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Funny Picture Captions

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:31pm
by Joe
Very long link


[Link fixed. --Enlightenment]

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:38pm
by neoolong
That was a great skit on The Daily Show.

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:50pm
by Kuja
In event of emergency, exit in every direction at once to confuse the enemy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Funny Picture Captions

Posted: 2003-03-05 08:09pm
by Rob Wilson
Durran Korr wrote:Very long link

My favourites :
Unfortunately, a flashlight makes a very poor lightsabre.

Swinging it around and making "whoosing" sounds won't help.

[Quoted link fixed. --Enlightenment]

Posted: 2003-03-05 08:51pm
by Anarchist Bunny

In case of a nuclear blast, Superman, the Flash, and Quicksilver should be prepared to have an easy excape route.

Posted: 2003-03-05 08:58pm
by Anarchist Bunny

Incase of terrorist attack, it is okay to break down and cry.


Be wary of terrorist night elves.

Posted: 2003-03-05 11:30pm
by TrailerParkJawa

The server is down, but that is the least of your problems!

Posted: 2003-03-05 11:48pm
by Rob Wilson
TrailerParkJawa wrote:Image

The server is down, but that is the least of your problems!
LMAO, nice one. :D