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Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-06-30 11:01pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Just took a pretty good SSD model and put in my Dreadnought and Destroyer over a planet background.....What you think?
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-06-30 11:02pm
by The Vortex Empire
It's decent, but get those filthy rebel scum insignias off that beautiful warship.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-06-30 11:15pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Its a model of the Lusankya unfortunately.....
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 01:49am
by Havok
Kinda a boring angle. I would add a little more of an extreme perspective by tilting the bows more so they are angled at the planet and bring their asses closer to the viewer.
The Vortex Empire wrote:get those filthy rebel scum insignias off that beautiful warship.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 11:33am
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
............I need someone who can add in some cool engine lighting effects and such.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 12:18pm
by ShadowDragon8685
Good to see General Antillies' old bird is flying strong. Ignore the nay-sayers, it looks beautiful with the Alliance Starbird on it.
The little ship is really hard to see, might I suggest adding a few more of them (if your system can handle it) or moving the one that's there closer to the camera?
Also, make it 1600x900, 'cause I could use a new desktop image.
Anyway, if you're going to go all-out on this one, you should have patrols in the sky - X-Wing or A-Wing flights, maybe a few escorting MC30 frigates or CEC-90 Corvettes, and more of the destroyers. After all, who better than General Antillies (possibly excepting Luke Skywalker) knows that no matter how big the ship, one lunatic with a starfighter, a proton torpedo and the Force can bring it down?
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 12:33pm
by Melchior
Uhm, I think that the main problem is that the ships feel a bit tacked on the background, because the light on them comes from a different direction (one even projects a impossibile shadow on the other); you should try redoing the rendering after moving your lights to roughly match the star in the background.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 12:55pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Not sure how to make it post full size, but if you want one PM me and ill send it to you.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 01:01pm
by ShadowDragon8685
I think those are MC80 Star Cruisers. Scaling looks like it might be nearly right, though.
It's looking fairly good, though I must say that that dreadnought of yours must be huge if it compares reasonably to an Executor-class Super Star Destroyer.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 01:29pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Well, I scaled the SSD to 19000m and the Dreadnought is 13500m. The smaller destroyers are about 950m long.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 01:34pm
by fractalsponge1
Looks a bit too bright on the shaded side of the ships. Try increasing the contrast on the ships, or trying to replicate where the light source in the background image would be when rendering the ships. I assume this is a 3-pt light setup, with no global illumination on? If you can with your renderer, turn on GI, and try area shadows, which are awesome for space scenes.
Did the guy who made the SSD really have to make those phoenix emblems a couple dozen meters thick? Fix that for him, please
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 01:41pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
The only illumination setup im aware with Sketchup is one were the sun is used for shading. You can change what time of day and what time of year and the darkness and lightness. The picture is just the vessels photoshopped onto the planet scene.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 02:06pm
by ShadowDragon8685
Grahf: Seeker Of Power wrote:Well, I scaled the SSD to 19000m and the Dreadnought is 13500m. The smaller destroyers are about 950m long.
Yeah, I figured it was reasonably comparable in size. That's okay - it looks like it has a lot more vertical bulk; anyway, the Imperial ship-builders certainly don't have a monopoly on fuckhuge vessels.
I agree with Fractalsponge that the Alliance Starbird is far, far too thick. It should be
painted on, not
As far as Sketchup and giving you trouble, you could try fudging the light - arrange the scene to put the sun roughly where the star in the image will be? That'll result in a very long shadow situation, but that can be dramatic.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 02:10pm
by fractalsponge1
Ah, I wasn't aware sketchup's rendering was that limited. There's always Kerkythea, which is a free raytracing-capable renderer. I've never used it, but I believe it does work with Sketchup:
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 02:58pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
So, I have NO idea what i'm doing but I fumbled my way through some of it.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-01 10:34pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-07 05:36am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Grahf, are your models on the Sketchup 3D warehouse? I cant find them anywhere, and I'd like to convert a couple and try them in pictures or animation.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-07 08:45pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power
Just let me know which ones you want.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-08 06:19am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
The little fighter for starters. Dont you have a download section on the warehouse then? Seems a shame not to share your creations, I'm sure people would like to use them.
Re: Little Pic I Brewed Up
Posted: 2010-07-23 02:23pm
by Grahf: Seeker Of Power