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NVA Tank Texture Help

Posted: 2011-04-29 09:45pm
by open_sketchbook
So I've been working on the Vietnam minimod for my Red Alert 3 mod Paradox and I've hit an annoying snag that has held up an element of the project.

The Vietnam minimod is a sort of proof of concept for a lot of the wierder ideas (cover and map effects, objective-based gamemodes, light infantry, that sort of thing) basically intended to round out our skills with the engine before going back and finishing the first release at a uniform level of quality. We're using Vietnam as the setting to sort of get our 1960s setting across, with the minimod pitting the ARVN and VC against each other, backed up by the Allies from the original game and the NVA, respectively. A stylistic choice we made was to give everyone camouflage patterns to reconize them by, in order to better get the Vietnam feel; bright silver and blue tanks driving around the jungle would sort of ruin the theme.

Anyway, I got camo patterns and reoccuring logos, insignia and personalization items down pat for the VC, the ARVN, and the Peacekeepers, but I have a problem; namely, the NVA. I can't find a look for them that works and looks unique. My research has turned up exactly jack in terms of interesting camouflague patterns, insignia, symbols, or other means of setting them apart. Most of the NVA tanks I've found are flat olive green, which is out because I want to use that colour for the Allied Reservists' jungle gear. I've settled on some kind of brown as their colour, but patterns or tones elude me.

Part of the problem comes from the fact that the camo can't actually be effective; they are for style, not effectiveness, and actually breaking up the outline of the vehicles is bad for RTS design. Thus, the patterns need to be minimally disruptive. Unfortunately this isn't helping my problem...

Here's my current mock-up; you can see why I'm not happy with it.


Any art or history guys have any suggestions or comments/want to tell me what I'm fucking up?

For reference, here's the patterns I'm using for everyone else. Click for links.

Allied Peacekeepers


Victor Charlie (yeah, they have tanks. It's a whole alt-history thing)