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FAGV - Fast Attack Ground Vehicle
Posted: 2003-03-12 09:41pm
by Crix Dorius
I'm back...
Here some new for the Republic...
Designed from the New Republic Research department (FENR)*
The FAGV - Fast Attack Ground Vehicle
Length: 26,2m
Broad: 12,2m
Height: 5,4m
Speed: 75Km/h
Weight (empty): 50t
Total weight: 85t
Engine: 2x Repulsors and 3x Koensayr R50 Turbines
--2x Anti-Armor Laser Cannon
--2x Anti-Infantry Blaster
--2x Heavy Gathling Blaster
Armor: -- Durasteel strengthens with Haldorium (60 RU)
Shield: -- Syrplex G-10 (85 SBD)
Crew: 4
-- 1x Driver
-- 1x Heavygunner(Commander)
-- 2x Gunner
-- Place for 24 soldiers with full equipment
-- Military Combat scanner
-- Miniture Life support unit
-- Med Packs (all sizes)
-- Ammunition for all usual kinds of weapon
*Changed the shining Metalparts*
Posted: 2003-03-12 09:46pm
by weemadando
Ermmm... I think that its a bit too wide at the front. And the rear weapons mount should be a solid turret, not a pindle mount. But thats just my opinon.
Posted: 2003-03-12 09:47pm
by weemadando
Also, where are the troops sitting and where do they debark?
Posted: 2003-03-12 09:50pm
by Crix Dorius
I don't have made the design... but I think they sit in the middle and debark in the back...
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:08pm
by Crown
Regardless, I compliment you on your talent. Great work
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:13pm
by Vympel
The moment I saw Crix Dorius on the list, I made for the A&P forum quick smart
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:19pm
by Pu-239
Hope it isn't a rip like the artillery AT-ST and the fighter.
*waits for Kenny to storm in*
EDIT: Nevermind, disregard, he admitted it's not designed by him
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:23pm
by Pu-239
Nice modelling, though a hovercraft would not be useful on anything but flat ground. This would be better for amphibious assaults.
Engines a bit vulnerable, unless you are going to shield it too.
Fixed forward guns a bit clumsy looking. Needs to be put on turrets.
Oops, nevermind, repulsers
. So maybe it can over quite a bit over the ground.
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:48pm
by Crix Dorius
The concept Art is from the FENR...
I build it in 3D... No more no less...
For the artillery AT-ST... I had only let inspire me of it... Is that so bad ?!?
For the fighter... It has been a long time ago, that I downloaded it from a Side... and I trained my 3D Skills on it... than ca. 1 year late one of the NR wanted a picture for a new fighter... so I gave them some pic's of the modified fighter... That is now 2 years ago...
Forgive me... I was young and stupid...
Posted: 2003-03-12 10:59pm
by Captain tycho
Looks pretty good man.
Posted: 2003-03-13 12:03am
by EmperorMing
The design and concept looks like something form the game O.G.R.E.
Posted: 2003-03-13 05:38am
by Robert Treder
Welcome back, man. And good work.
Posted: 2003-03-13 05:41am
by Vympel
Just a suggestion, those shiny metal 'bands' over the 'rubbery' parts aren't necessary- they'd also make it needlessly easy to see.
Posted: 2003-03-13 06:05am
by Robert Treder
Vympel wrote:Just a suggestion, those shiny metal 'bands' over the 'rubbery' parts aren't necessary- they'd also make it needlessly easy to see.
Yeah, unless they have some sort of techno-chameleon device, they pretty much defeat the purpose of the camo on the main body.
Posted: 2003-03-13 04:14pm
by Spyder
Is there a wheeled version called a FAG-Rover?
Posted: 2003-03-13 04:39pm
by Sea Skimmer
The thing would have major maneuverability problems on most terrain, and plowing through trees and building is not the best idea if you can avoid it, especially since this thing doesn't have the great height and armored bow of the MTT.
The cammo job should extended all the way down the side, shinny=very bad in combat. And black is bad if you want to fight during the day.
Posted: 2003-03-13 06:37pm
by DPDarkPrimus
*Lone Rebel in a speeder pulls a Jackie Chan with a serrated blade.*
Still, nice design.
Posted: 2003-03-13 11:43pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Maybe you should just cut off the rubber entirely. There's no need for it and I think it would look better that way. And good job.
Posted: 2003-03-13 11:53pm
by Crix Dorius
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Maybe you should just cut off the rubber entirely. There's no need for it and I think it would look better that way.
Say that the FENR !!!
Posted: 2003-03-14 04:58pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Whaa-?? FENR? What's that?
Re: FAGV - Fast Attack Ground Vehicle
Posted: 2003-03-15 01:46pm
by Rob Wilson
Why is it thin in the middle? if it's got to be that wide at the front and back, then make the middle the same to maximize your carrying capacity. And I think Ando's right, give that gun a solid turret ring rather than an exposed pintle arm.
Other than that, looks good, plus you are restricted by the original design.
Re: FAGV - Fast Attack Ground Vehicle
Posted: 2003-03-16 04:26pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Crix Dorius wrote:*Designed from the New Republic Research department (FENR)*
that's what the FENR is....
Although the acronym does not should be the NRRD.....
Posted: 2003-03-16 05:37pm
by Crix Dorius
FENR = Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung der Neuen Republik
on english
Research- and Developmentdepartment of the New Republic