Page 1 of 2 Pony
Posted: 2012-01-20 06:55am
by Zor
An attempt at making a MLP:FIM pony in Photoshop. She needs a name.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-20 08:15pm
by Col. Crackpot
an Imperial My Little Pony is a crime against Jesus and Palpatine that no amount of early 80's Carrie Fisher tits could atone for.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-20 08:51pm
by Marko Dash
an pony would need to be like the armored ones from the Fallout/MLP crossover fanfic. stormtrooperesque armor and multiple weapon emplacements.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-21 03:26am
by KhorneFlakes
We should not be represented by a pony.
We should be represented by a picture of Darth Wong's face photoshopped onto a Terminator riding a cyborg tyrannosaurus rex driving a tank while shooting lasers at mutants. With *maybe* a pony in the sky.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 02:08pm
by Flagg
Time to start banning Bronies en masse. We should ban 100 at random just to be safe.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 02:36pm
by Connor MacLeod
I nominate the official Pony name should be Flagg.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 04:54pm
by Flagg
I nominate Highlander as the worst movie ever made.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 05:34pm
by KhorneFlakes
I nominate we pulp Zor's pony and use the pulp to power a combat exoskeleton made for Connor.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 06:16pm
by Rabid
It need to be, I don't know, like 200% fatter.
As for her name, call her "Jigga Tohn".
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 08:16pm
by Connor MacLeod
Flagg wrote:I nominate Highlander as the worst movie ever made.
I concur on the basis of highlander 2 through 5. You still get named after the pony.
KhorneFlakes wrote:I nominate we pulp Zor's pony and use the pulp to power a combat exoskeleton made for Connor.
I hate power armour. Especially horse-powered.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 08:59pm
by Rabid
> has produced at the very least 100k+ words worth of detailed analysis on 40K
> hates power armour
beep-beep-boop, does not compute.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 10:44pm
by KhorneFlakes
That doesn't compute either.
Why do you hate power armor powered by mulched pony? Why?!
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-22 11:56pm
by Zor
And now with armor!
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-23 02:04pm
by Connor MacLeod
KhorneFlakes wrote:That doesn't compute either.
Why do you hate power armor powered by mulched pony? Why?!
Rabid wrote:> has produced at the very least 100k+ words worth of detailed analysis on 40K
> hates power armour
beep-beep-boop, does not compute.
Because power armour is noisy, bulky, lights you up like a firework on sensors, and is just begging for someone to peg you with an anti-tank missiel. That and it provides no protection from wooden spears (and no I'm not kidding about that. A Word Bearer got killed by a guy with a wooden spear stabbed straight into the neck.)
Clearly the Ewoks would mop the floor with Space Marines. Which is probably the other reason I dislike power armour - I'm largely disinterested in Space Marines unless they're done by certain authors. Next you'll tell me I'm crazy for thinking bolters and chainsaw swords are silly too.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-23 03:08pm
by Rabid
That's what I thought.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-24 03:18am
by Connor MacLeod
Which part? That you can kill Space Marines with spears and therefore they're Ewok fodder, or that I wasn't fond of Space Marines in General, or that power armour is an anti-tank rocket magnet?
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-24 04:32am
by Darth Fanboy
Flagg wrote:I nominate Highlander as the worst movie ever made.
Incorrect. Highlander 2 is the worst movie ever made.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-24 09:24am
by Mr Bean
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Incorrect. Highlander 2 is the worst movie ever made.
Incorrect Highlander: The Source is the worst movie every made. At least in Highlander 2 you can get some laughs, The Source is just... well it's a Sci-Fi original movie number 1 and second Night Train to Mundo Fine had better effects and music.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-25 06:40pm
by Purple
KhorneFlakes wrote:I nominate we pulp Zor's pony and use the pulp to power a combat exoskeleton made for Connor.
Pulp... I like that. How about we call her Pulpy? Sounds sort of like Palpy (short for Palpatine) but more cute.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-25 06:52pm
by KhorneFlakes
That's not cute. That's sounds stupid. And as I said, we shouldn't be represented by a pony.
Now that I think of it, go with the idea I stated earlier in the thread, except with a cyborg jetpack draft horse shooting JDAMs at Bart Blades and Purple. And throwing up napalm.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-25 09:52pm
by Darth Fanboy
Taking the brony hate out of it (and there is plenty), Zor is far from the best artist on this forum. It's the visual equivalent of my fanfiction, which is utter shite. IF this abomination has to be done then let someone with a modicum of talent draw it so it at least doesn't look like ass. Preferaby holding a lighsaber or with turbolasers strapped to the sides.
Maybe take a MLP and put Dino-Riders style armament on it, then a saddle and have some hot chick with fire shooting out of a flamethrower battle bra carrying a sword that would make cloud strife blush.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-26 01:54pm
by Connor MacLeod
The Dinosaurs have ot transform into at least two other vehicles. And shoot lasers.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-26 02:05pm
by Starglider
KhorneFlakes wrote:That's not cute. That's sounds stupid. And as I said, we shouldn't be represented by a pony.
I agree. The defining cultural feature of SDN, as extracted by term frequency / inverse document frequency bulk text analysis, is FATTYNERDS. As such SDN should be represented by an morbidly obese donkey cosplaying as a stormtrooper and complaining loudly about the evils of the Canterlot elite.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-28 05:03pm
by Solauren
Take the original picture, But the pony in a Stormtrooper helmet instead of armor.
That would be a little better.
Or that, or make it look like it's wearing a Star Destroyer custom.
Re: Pony
Posted: 2012-01-28 10:11pm
by Darth Fanboy
Connor MacLeod wrote:The Dinosaurs have ot transform into at least two other vehicles. And shoot lasers.
Dino Riders did not need to transform, they had kick ass battle armor and moved themselves.