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Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 02:37pm
by 3dcgmodeler
WIP. Image Heavy...

This is a start of a project of mine.
Wanted to create a Star Destroyer for a long time, and finish it to..

Ok How do I insert image ???

Ok Need another cup of Coffee to kick start the brain.. :)


Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 02:41pm
by SCRawl
Enclose the URL of your image in tags like this: [pimg]*your URL here*[/pimg]
(but taking out the "p" from each tag...I can't put the correct tags in there because then the editor will think that they're actual image tags).

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 02:54pm
by 3dcgmodeler
First Image..
Top View



Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 02:57pm
by 3dcgmodeler
Rear View



Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 03:06pm
by 3dcgmodeler
Just some testers



Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 03:08pm
by 3dcgmodeler
far from done

Thanks for the tip on inserting images Mr. SCRawl.


Need to learn how to Nurnie, and Greeble like Mr. Fractalsponge1..


Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 03:15pm
by phred
pretty kewl so far. Whats the blank area on the centerline for?

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 03:17pm
by 3dcgmodeler
Still developing that area, I am just getting the big parts arranged..


Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-12 06:07pm
by Marko Dash
are those reactors or gravity well generators?

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-13 10:58am
by 3dcgmodeler
Gravity Well Generators.

I am also doing another with out them with 2 reactors, one aft and one just forward of mid ship.

Just deciding how to proceed with the Nurnies and Greebles...

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-17 08:35am
by Crossroads Inc.
Love the look of the ship, looks like it would be a good mid sized beefy ship for the Empire.
Will keep an eye on this and hope to see it finished ;)

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-22 04:01am
by The_Saint
Crossroads Inc. wrote:...looks like it would be a good mid sized beefy ship for the Empire...
Kinda looks like something I might expect from either rise of the Empire or post empire eras. Maybe something post civil war out of the Corporate Sector based off of modified/enhanced KDY designs

The command tower structure looks like a clone wars era confederate spin on a civil war era KDY structure.

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-29 12:03am
by Darth Ruinus
Are the bulb things suppossed to be spheres or just domes? Because to me they don't look like they are spheres.

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-29 07:25am
by Crossroads Inc.
Darth Ruinus wrote:Are the bulb things suppossed to be spheres or just domes? Because to me they don't look like they are spheres.
I am guessing those are supposed to be gravity well projectors.

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-04-30 01:59am
by Sea Skimmer
I like the look of the hull in the first image. It makes me picture what a star destroyer might look like if you were just seeing all the welded together hull plates before it was all painted white or something like that.

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-05-07 03:01pm
by fractalsponge1
I'm so confused, why aren't you showing the much-farther along versions on the other boards?

Re: Star Wars, Star Destroyer, Ship WIP.

Posted: 2012-05-08 01:11pm
by Stormcloud
because that isn't me! I know its not my mesh cause i never shared it but it is a blantant copy ... readnaught

just to be fair - i have a feeling someone asked me about copying the design - now i cant find it in pm's so might have been email which i delete from time to time - but i might have said it was ok to copy - jsut cant remember