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Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 10:24am
by madd0ct0r
Result of a fit of insomnia. These are rough drafts, but I'm paralysed by choice. All of them are available online and I'd be happy to use any of them.


Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 10:32am
by Borgholio
I like Glowing Fungus.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 10:40am
by Iroscato
I like the Hidden Info Games one personally. What sort of game company will it be, computer or board games?
EDIT: Saw the 'board games' in some of the logos. Another fine Derp Moment brought to you by Chimaera.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 10:42am
by Spekio
Hidden Info or Abstract.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 11:00am
by Mr Bean
Second to Hidden Info Games and the Fungus one because it has the most logo like design to far.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 01:52pm
by madd0ct0r
Thanks guys!

Don't worry so much on the actual logo shape at this point - they're basically doodles. It's narrowing the name down I'm having real trouble with.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 03:58pm
by Starglider
'Greenpunk Games' is the most professional looking. I don't know if that's what you're going for though.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-12 05:57pm
by madd0ct0r
to be honest, I wanted to go with Cromlyn Games, but had a devil of a time finding a good identity to go with the name.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-13 08:04am
by Lagmonster
Hidden Info is the best name of all of them, period. It is the least likely to be associated with something negative or mundane, and is the least "I'm trying really hard to be clever" option among many.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-13 02:35pm
by salm
How are the others "trying to be clever"? And how is Hidden Info different?

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 03:48am
by madd0ct0r
no, to be fair, most of them are trying hard to be clever :)
most are not succeeding.

It's kinda interesting really. I've asked here, in a board game designer's group, in a logo designers group on reddit and at my local cafe.
Every place has had completely different opinions. Voting is split over about 12 concepts, with 4 tied for top place. About the only thing that is consistent is that the ones I personally quite liked are universally ignored :)

I'll give it another day and post the results

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 04:19am
by salm
madd0ct0r wrote:no, to be fair, most of them are trying hard to be clever :)
Ok, I believe you. But how? In what way? Can you explain it like I´m 5?

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 04:29am
by madd0ct0r
most of them are atrocious puns.
"Very Cleaver Games", -pun on very clever games
"Rice Paddy Games" (my name is Paddy, or Patrick),
"Anti-Bore Games" - pun on board games
"Labourinth of Love" - pun on Labour of Love
"Dice Fall Games" - pun 'let the dice fall where they will"
"Mouse Tale Games " pun on tail

Hidden Info is trying to be visually clever, but it's not groanable wordplay.
No Luck games shows competing probability search trees as used in game theory
Mouse Tale Games, Glowing Fungus Games and Dice Fall Games all replace a letter or three with part of the image
Similar stuff happening with Cannibal games - looks like a man eating a sandwich.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 08:50am
by salm
Lol, ok indeed. I must admit i got non of the puns before you spelled them out. :lol:

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 09:30am
by Lagmonster
maddoctor spelled it out. Visually, the logos for "Fat Free Games" and "Stigmergi Games" are the most innovative images you have. I don't know what a "stigmergi" is, though, so I can't speak to the symbolism. Likewise I don't know what an "auldpunk" is.

What you're getting is the perspective of a 40-something father of two who has to look at products he doesn't understand to buy them for his son, so a brand that I can recognize and not feel threatened by opens my wallet more often than not. If you were called "mindfucker squidrape incorporated", chances are I'd tell my kid he couldn't have it. But I don't know your market; you might be appealing to people who pay for their own stuff. If you're hoping to attract late-teens and twenty-somethings who still need dad's charity, you might want to consider something that works in either market.

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 10:59am
by madd0ct0r
Stigmergy is something very cool, and something I think will become more important in design this decade.
Basically, while humans have practiced it for a while, it's things like wikis that have really provided detailed case studies of it as a process (in humans)

It turns out I can't use it though, since there already exists Stegmier Games, which is too close for comfort. Same for Two Cat (Blue Cat Games) and Evil Chat (Evil Hat Productions).

Re: Help me pick a company name and logo

Posted: 2014-08-14 01:55pm
by Lagmonster
madd0ct0r wrote:Stigmergy is something very cool, and something I think will become more important in design this decade.
Basically, while humans have practiced it for a while, it's things like wikis that have really provided detailed case studies of it as a process (in humans).
Huh. And there's even several entomologists in the building. Should have taken the 'ant' cue and asked.