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Need some pic help

Posted: 2003-04-01 12:12am
by DPDarkPrimus
There's a Photoshop contest going on at a message board I frequent, and the theme this week is to make your own Episode 3 movie poster. I have most of the pictures I need for it already, however... there is a very specific shot of Yoda from episode two I want, and the only picture of it Google can find is rendered useless due to a logo. If anyone can screen cap this for me in the next couple of days, I'd be much appreciative.


EDIT: I'd like it around the same size and resolution too. :)

Posted: 2003-04-01 01:15am
by Tsyroc
Hopefully these will help. I think the 3rd one is the closest to the example you gave. If you need it more specific let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Posted: 2003-04-01 05:37pm
by DPDarkPrimus
The second and third ones are both possibilities. Could you keep them online for another 48 hours or so? You can take them down after that if you want to. :)

Posted: 2003-04-02 10:32am
by Tsyroc
Will do. I'll leave them up at least that long.