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Pic hosting

Posted: 2003-05-07 01:44pm
by Kelly Antilles
Okay, those of you who are willing to host pics for other board members, make it known here. Those who need a host can PM these members and ask them POLITELY if they would do so.

You can add me onto the list.

Posted: 2003-05-08 02:02am
by Lord of the Farce
*Raise hand*

Posted: 2003-05-08 02:05am
by Crayz9000
My server is up and running 24/7. I have effectively unlimited storage space, although the bandwidth is somewhat limited (128 kbps upstream).

Posted: 2003-05-08 03:48am
by Dalton
Ein, I hereby foist you off onto Crayz.

Though Crayz, since you have FTP access to the Archive, can I have FTP access to Foobar :)

Posted: 2003-05-08 03:51am
by Crayz9000
Dalton wrote:Ein, I hereby foist you off onto Crayz.

Though Crayz, since you have FTP access to the Archive, can I have FTP access to Foobar :)
I still need to get the FTP server configured right first. Haven't had the time to do it, so I just blocked port 21 to keep any nosy idiots from trying to bruteforce it.

Posted: 2003-05-08 04:22am
by Dalton
Crayz9000 wrote:
Dalton wrote:Ein, I hereby foist you off onto Crayz.

Though Crayz, since you have FTP access to the Archive, can I have FTP access to Foobar :)
I still need to get the FTP server configured right first. Haven't had the time to do it, so I just blocked port 21 to keep any nosy idiots from trying to bruteforce it.
Excuses, excuses ;)

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:30am
by Gil Hamilton
I can host images for people.

Posted: 2003-05-13 09:51am
by Faram
Okay just had to scratch one ex customers webserver :(

For a unknown amount of time I can host images on that server.

No promises regarding the time this offer is valid but until then storage ~30gb, bandwidth 100mbit/sec.

And I can also only access that server from work so just because you can see me don’t mean that I can put up your image.


No one took me up on the deal and that's good because I have to install a webstatistical package on it.

Now it's running a bunch of other stuff but no webserver I'm afraid.

Posted: 2003-05-16 01:35am
by Vertigo1
I can provide temporary hosting for people that can't find a decent host.

Re: Pic hosting

Posted: 2003-05-21 03:51am
by Rob Wilson
I'm always available to people, same for Sig pic hosting.

Posted: 2003-05-27 08:33am
by haas mark
Though I'm not sure how much bandwidth I have, I'll be willing to host pistures (and I can direct link... :twisted:)


Posted: 2003-05-27 12:02pm
by Crayz9000
Hey! People! I'm still here :P

For now you'll have to E-mail me stuff, but as soon as I get my FTP server unblocked and with user accounts I can create accounts for you guys.

Posted: 2003-06-16 02:42am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Crayz9000 wrote:Hey! People! I'm still here :P

For now you'll have to E-mail me stuff, but as soon as I get my FTP server unblocked and with user accounts I can create accounts for you guys.
I would like to take you up on that offer. I have two 14kb GIFs I would like hosted. One is a ship, another is a chematic of several models of a large shipborne weapon. I may have more weapons in the future. Lata and Happy Fragging!

Posted: 2003-06-26 03:57pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
In approximately a week, I will be available to host pictures (as soon as I get a mailbox set up and I've figured out the security and R&R for my hosting space.)

If you PM me, I ask that your pictures come in under 256 KB in size. (This saves me download time and overall bandwidth usage (though I have 3 GB of the good stuff to burn per month.) If you have to send me something larger than 256 KB, ask me nicely. :D

I will then use my mad Paint Shop Pro skills to crunch your pictures down to something like ~40 KB in size and will give you the link (when I get everything set up, that is.)

<end public service announcement>

UPDATE: If you need a picture or sig pic hosted, e-mail it to the following address:


(Yes, I know it isn't a direct link. Replace (AT) with @ for the correct address.) You'll get an autoresponder outlining my conditions (no porn, no humongous images.) The autoresponder will tell you the general URL where your image would be found in 12 - 24 hours.

If you want to host an image bigger than 1 MB, then PM me.


Posted: 2003-08-12 10:49pm
by Hamel
I have a Homestead account with 1 gig of bandwidth/mo and 8 megs of space, so if you need to host reasonably sized pics I'd be happeh to send you my login and pass.

Posted: 2003-08-12 11:15pm
by Crayz9000
Sending login/pass information is very dangerous. Don't do it.

And 1 gig/month isn't much, really.

Posted: 2003-08-13 01:31am
by Hamel
Crayz9000 wrote:Sending login/pass information is very dangerous. Don't do it.
You know I was talking about Homestead and not my forum pass, right?

At any rate, yaaaaaaa no kidding
And 1 gig/month isn't much, really.
It's fine for me. I have sigs at 3 different forums and I still don't have to worry about bandwidth running out. The only time I ever used up considerable bandwidth was when I posted that Ebichu gif last week.



Posted: 2003-09-05 05:16pm
by BoredShirtless
So whos arse do I have to kiss to get a bit of hosting action going on?

Posted: 2003-09-05 09:13pm
by Crayz9000
I'd be willing to do it for you on one condition: that you stay away from my arse. :D

Posted: 2003-09-08 03:41am
by BoredShirtless
Crayz9000 wrote:I'd be willing to do it for you on one condition: that you stay away from my arse. :D
I make no promises :wink: thanks champ :)

Posted: 2003-09-09 04:57am
by Kamakazie Sith
Who here is available to host my pic, please? :D Thank you in advance....

Posted: 2003-09-09 06:30am
by Rob Wilson
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Who here is available to host my pic, please? :D Thank you in advance....
PM me and I'll give you the E-mail addy to send the pic to.

Posted: 2003-10-05 08:20pm
by darthdavid
E-mail me at w/ pics attatched, Give me your name and i'll load it onto my angel fire website o' doom.

Posted: 2003-10-05 08:22pm
by darthdavid
Any virii, porno, bigoted crap or other stupidity will earn the sender a steel toed enema.

Posted: 2003-10-05 08:28pm
by haas mark
darthdavid wrote:E-mail me at w/ pics attatched, Give me your name and i'll load it onto my angel fire website o' doom.
You might note that Angelfire doesn't like direct linking very much.. You might try for a different image host if you want to host images.
