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File size..

Posted: 2003-06-04 07:12am
by InnerBrat
OK, so I'm adapting my av for a different board, which has a 80x80 pixel limit.

Now, i have this problem:

My current av is a .jpg, is 100 x89, and is 6K

The pic I';ve just created (from the original picture, from scratch), is a .jpg, is 71x71 and is 16K

What the smegging Hells is going on?

Posted: 2003-06-04 07:20am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
jpeg compression has to be set manually in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, it may be set higher than your original avatar pic was and so you get a much bigger file size. When you save it this time make sure you turn the compression as high as it will go so your avatar file size is tiny. You might want to try saving it as a gif file if it's not too colourful, gifs come out smaller than jpgs for small sizes and low colour ranges.

Posted: 2003-06-04 07:25am
by InnerBrat
Oh, it's OK, I found the save for web option in Photoshop...