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An "Artistic" CDR Harmon Rabb, Jr, USN

Posted: 2003-08-03 01:49am
by RogueIce

This image brought to you by simply saving in .bmp format in MSPaint, and it's reduction in colors. Ph34r my skillz.


Posted: 2003-08-03 02:01am
by StarshipTitanic
You could probably sell that for millions by printing it out on a paper bag and framing it. High art.

Posted: 2003-08-03 04:20am
by Tsyroc
With that style I keep thinking of television shows from the 60s/70s that all used something like that in their opening credits, or like in The Wild, Wild West where they used it to go to commerical.

Now when can we see one of Mac? :D

Posted: 2003-08-03 03:23pm
by RogueIce
Tsyroc wrote:With that style I keep thinking of television shows from the 60s/70s that all used something like that in their opening credits, or like in The Wild, Wild West where they used it to go to commerical.

Now when can we see one of Mac? :D
As soon as I get around to it? :)

Though, in my opinion, Harriet Sims is better. Love them blondes. And her personality is ever so sweet. And she never did it with the Aussie (RIP). :D

Posted: 2003-08-04 01:55am
by Tsyroc
RogueIce wrote: As soon as I get around to it? :)

Though, in my opinion, Harriet Sims is better. Love them blondes. And her personality is ever so sweet. And she never did it with the Aussie (RIP). :D
I don't watch the show (it tends to get on my nerves) but I have seen it in the past during it' various incarnations. I thought all the women (3 that I know of) that have been Harm's partners were fine.

Posted: 2003-08-04 04:04pm
by RogueIce
Tsyroc wrote:I don't watch the show (it tends to get on my nerves) but I have seen it in the past during it' various incarnations. I thought all the women (3 that I know of) that have been Harm's partners were fine.
You never saw movie producer lady did you? *shudders at the memory*

Other than her, there have been some damn fine women around Harm. Damn bastard aviators...

Posted: 2003-08-04 04:28pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
[SW Nerd]He bears a passing resemblance to Grand Admiral Thrawn...[/SW Nerd]