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De-blurrifying pictures

Posted: 2003-08-11 01:00pm
by HemlockGrey
I've gathered a number of maps off the internet that I need to use, but the names of certain cities are too small to read. But when I zoom in, the picture blurs over and the city names are still unreadable. How can I overcome this?

Posted: 2003-08-11 01:33pm
by Sea Skimmer
[1] Try a different level of zoom, 200% rather then 400 can do the tick
[2] Get better eyes

Posted: 2003-08-11 01:48pm
by phongn
Get a higher resolution map, or try using a sharpening filter.

Posted: 2003-08-11 08:13pm
by Hamel
Get a better map. Sharpening something that was blurred in the first place will most likely highlight artifacting and nothing more.

Posted: 2003-08-12 12:01am
by kojikun
increase the contrasting and possibly use a posterize filter or something similar.

Posted: 2003-08-12 12:49am
by DPDarkPrimus
Find a less blurry version of the picture on Google. *budda-dum-CHINK*

Posted: 2003-08-12 03:13pm
Get one of those Magic Image Enhancers used all the time in Hollywood movies... y'know, the ones that can turn a clump of six pixels into a sharp, detailed 5-megapixel photo-quality image.