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Return of What do you look like (take 3)

Posted: 2003-12-20 03:58pm
by Beowulf
New thread to post pictures of yourself in...

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:07pm
by Faram
Okay i'll start.

Huge picture (2560*1920) so it's not inlined:

Linky to picture

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:10pm
by Companion Cube
Faram wrote:Okay i'll start.

Huge picture (2560*1920) so it's not inlined:

Linky to picture
Nice scenery, did you take that in Sweden?

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:12pm
by Faram
3rd Impact wrote:Nice scenery, did you take that in Sweden?
Yepp about 2kilometers from where I live, a nice afternoon walk.

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:38pm
by Zac Naloen
LOOK GUYS!! i don't look like dead man walking anymore!!

its still a pretty bad pic though :evil:


Posted: 2003-12-20 04:39pm
by IndustrialNoise
That's a cool picture, with the lighting and all...except it looks like you have a lava lamp as a hat. :P

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:41pm
by Zac Naloen
maybe i do... :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:44pm
by IndustrialNoise
I prefer black light hats. :P

Posted: 2003-12-20 04:46pm
by Zac Naloen
well, its not a lava lamp anyway, its just a light with a crappy blue filter on it to make my room dark and ominous :oops:

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:08pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Zac Naloen wrote:LOOK GUYS!! i don't look like dead man walking anymore!!

its still a pretty bad pic though :evil:

Those lips are so kissable!
You have beautiful and highly kissaable lips. :teeth:

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:09pm
by 2000AD
New thread deserves new pics so here they are. If the pics aren't working (probably gone over the bandwidth limit) then try the links.

From top down:
1-Me in fancy dress
2-Me (Middle, hairstyle by excessive cap wearing), Neil (Brother,Left) and Mother (Right) on holiday in Cyprus this year
3-Me (Right) and Brother (Left) publicly embarrassing ourselves on holiday

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:14pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Faram wrote:Okay i'll start.

Huge picture (2560*1920) so it's not inlined:

Three Meg Download on a Slow Server! I Choose You!

That's a beautiful scene, and you're kinda cute. But that pic is (how should I put this?) HUUUUUUUUGE!!!!!!1 :shock:

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:16pm
by kojikun
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:You have beautiful and highly kissaable lips. :teeth:
I think we deserve a better look at those lips before we can decide on their kissability. preferably a picture that will appear lifesize on a 17" monitor at 16x12 resolution. Oh, and pout your lips a bit. We will be able to tell much better if that were your look. :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:23pm
by Faram
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:That's a beautiful scene, and you're kinda cute. But that pic is (how should I put this?) HUUUUUUUUGE!!!!!!1 :shock:
Thanx :)

Well a 5mpix camera gets huge pics and I havent rezied it so...

But there is a thumbnail on: Linky

Posted: 2003-12-20 06:41pm
by Dahak
Zac Naloen wrote:LOOK GUYS!! i don't look like dead man walking anymore!!

its still a pretty bad pic though :evil:

You're even cuter in that pic!!

Posted: 2003-12-20 07:17pm
by Zac Naloen
i don't like being described as cute....

think of something else to say...


Posted: 2003-12-20 07:46pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Zac Naloen wrote:i don't like being described as cute....

think of something else to say...


Fucking Sexy. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-12-20 07:49pm
by Zac Naloen
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Zac Naloen wrote:i don't like being described as cute....

think of something else to say...


Fucking Sexy. :twisted:
strangely enough... i have no problem with that :?

Posted: 2003-12-20 08:11pm
by Dahak
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Zac Naloen wrote:i don't like being described as cute....

think of something else to say...


Fucking Sexy. :twisted:
I seem to lack your subtle elegance with words :)
Well said.

Posted: 2003-12-20 08:14pm
by Lord Woodlouse
Here's two. An old one and a new one, respectively.


I'm such a media whore. :P

Posted: 2003-12-20 08:20pm
by Dahak
Lord_Woodlouse wrote:Here's two. An old one and a new one, respectively.


I'm such a media whore. :P
You should try to smile occasionally :)

Posted: 2003-12-20 08:22pm
by Lord Woodlouse
Dahak wrote:
Lord_Woodlouse wrote:Here's two. An old one and a new one, respectively.


I'm such a media whore. :P
You should try to smile occasionally :)
I look tremendously ridiculous if I do. I'm smiling on the inside, don't worry. :lol:

Posted: 2003-12-20 09:23pm
by Rye
I'll just post all my most recent ones again.

Picture the first, Rye exiting a cooly lit kitchen!


Picture the second, in the dining room!

Picture III, Rye looking unintentionally angsty:


Picture IV, something including a lolly.


An obscenely large picture of Rye and Emma

Posted: 2003-12-20 11:39pm
by ArmorPierce

Posted: 2003-12-20 11:44pm
by Robert Treder
2000AD wrote:Picture 1
You dirty, dirty, Hitler impersonator. I hope you burn in hell.