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Pictures of your digs

Posted: 2004-01-11 03:30pm
by Durandal
Okay, post pictures of that cave you call a home in this thread. Doesn't have to be your whole house/apartment, just your bedroom/computer room or whatever. I'm tired of seeing people; I want locations dammit!

Mine will be posted later today.

Posted: 2004-01-11 03:49pm
by Dalton
This picture is about a week and a half old.


EDIT: New one of my TV corner.


Posted: 2004-01-11 04:24pm
by InnerBrat
My desk, with the remanents of dinner and the reason why I was up til two last night...

The 'living room' area of my bedroom (the rest of the room is bed)

A close up of the shelves, for those nosey types:

Posted: 2004-01-11 04:27pm
by Zac Naloen
i'll get some pics of my pig stye just as soon as i find a few moments

Posted: 2004-01-11 09:09pm
by XaLEv
Dalton wrote:EDIT: New one of my TV corner.
That FFX(2?) on the screen, and Metroid Prime four down in that stack of GC games?

Posted: 2004-01-11 09:59pm
by YT300000
InnerBrat wrote:A close up of the shelves, for those nosey types:*snip*
All 5 Harry Potter books? (I can see the last 3).

Posted: 2004-01-11 10:20pm
by Durandal




Posted: 2004-01-11 11:16pm
by aerius
The audio corner of my room, as of 2 years ago. That's as recent as it gets.
The drawer with a screwdriver in it is filled with CDs, they've now overflowed and taken over the entire dresser top.


Posted: 2004-01-12 12:18am
by Dorsk 81
XaLEv: That is obviosuly FFX-1! It's on the boat you take from Besaid, S.S. Liki where you meet O'Aka! (If it's not I'll look foolish, but DAMN! I know my FFX-1!)

From the door/curtain way...(Yes, the t-rex is eatting Tigger...don't ask)

From by the new computer....(Yes, that is my personal 34" colour tv...)

And finaly from the bottom corner of the bed...(And yes, that is my teddy, Fred, hiding on the middle shelf)

Posted: 2004-01-12 12:31am
by haas mark

When I get batteries for my camera, I'll post pics.


Posted: 2004-01-12 12:35am
by El Moose Monstero
I'd post pictures, but its a dorm room, and its not so much a room as the Black Hole of Calcutta with an internet connection, and my room at home is spartan to say the least. Mainly in that it spends a lot of time in a robe and doing nasty things to Athens.

Posted: 2004-01-12 04:42am
by InnerBrat
YT300000 wrote:
InnerBrat wrote:A close up of the shelves, for those nosey types:*snip*
All 5 Harry Potter books? (I can see the last 3).
The first two are in paperback, aand therefore are on my paperback shelf, not the diplay shelves ;)

ver: tough. I only have the two, and they're mine.

Posted: 2004-01-12 06:42am
by Tsyroc
All of my HP books are together, hardback and paperback alike. Not that you'll be able to tell.

I took all my pictures with my pen/web cam so they aren't very clear. Plus, I always seem to be trying to take pictures with the thing at night and never quite get the lighting right.

Also, I'm avoiding the floors so you won't see the extreme clutter. :oops: :)

Image Image






Posted: 2004-01-12 08:42am
by Daltonator
XaLEv wrote:That FFX(2?) on the screen, and Metroid Prime four down in that stack of GC games?
Dorsk 81 nailed the TV screen full-on (I just bought FFX on Saturday). The game box you refer to is indeed Metroid Prime. Good work, padawan :)

Posted: 2004-01-12 08:51am
by Faram
My TV, DVD Playa + movies and other stuff.


My Computers and cluttered desk.


Posted: 2004-01-12 04:26pm
by Lord Woodlouse

Dark window shot...
...and what's the view from my room? This is!

Posted: 2004-01-12 04:41pm
by Durandal
Lord_Woolehouse: You've got excellent tastes in women and TV. I applaud you.

Dorsk_81: Your room is just cool. I also applaud you.

Posted: 2004-01-13 02:53am
by Dorsk 81
Durandal wrote:Dorsk 81: Your room is just cool. I also applaud you.
Thanks! I comes complete with a full bathroom too, but it's very much a guys bathroom if you know what I mean, so you'll be lucky to get pics of it.

Posted: 2004-01-13 04:45am
by Howedar
I'd post my dorm room if I had a camera. But I don't. So I won't.

Posted: 2004-01-14 06:07pm
by Lonestar
My "digs" is a 7' by 2' by 2' space. :x

Posted: 2004-01-14 08:55pm
by Beowulf
Lonestar wrote:My "digs" is a 7' by 2' by 2' space. :x
That's because you're on a ship. Doesn't mean you can't take pics. :D

Posted: 2004-01-14 09:15pm
by MKSheppard
I'll take some pics one day, behold the mass bookshelvage

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:01pm
by Joe
Still in the dorms - as a junior. Can't wait to move into an apartment next year, my room now is too dull to take a picture of.

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:19pm
by Lonestar
Beowulf wrote: That's because you're on a ship. Doesn't mean you can't take pics. :D
Isn't as interesting as you'd think.

Posted: 2004-01-14 11:35pm
by Joe
Incidentally, Durandal, I happen to have that exact same blue lean-to pillow lying on my bed right now. Good pillow, ain't it?