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Request: Saint of Killers Avatar

Posted: 2004-03-31 10:58pm
by consequences
Whereby it shall be told on all of the street corners, that the lazy arse of Consequences the Overlooked, having grown weary of his null-value state, wishes for it to be known that for the prize most precious to he, an Avatar of "The Saint of Killers", he will render unto the provider of said bounty glorious praise and thanks.

Pretty Please?

Posted: 2004-03-31 11:22pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Any sort in particular?

Posted: 2004-04-01 01:23am
by consequences
One where he's looking mean preferably. Granted that's just about every shot of him but the one on the cover of War in the Sun.

Posted: 2004-04-01 01:32am
by DPDarkPrimus
I can probably scan that.

Posted: 2004-04-02 12:32am
by consequences
That would be most appreciated good sir.