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Dragon Alien Design: Fresh Blood

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:56pm
by Fuzzy Modem
Remember my failed attempt at character modeling a while back? Well I turned the design concept over to a friend of mine and this is his WIP. ... agon01.jpg ... agon02.jpg ... agon03.jpg


Posted: 2004-04-06 07:35pm
by Slartibartfast
I don't like the legs. They look badly bent. The boots have a cutesy anime look.

(and no, quadrupeds don't have "inverted" knees)

Posted: 2004-04-06 08:47pm
by El Moose Monstero
It's a good piece of work, but it's just too cartoony for my tastes, the head piece concept is nice, but there's nothing else to indicate a draconic existance other than the head, and I'm not big on the lower torso either to be honest. Given the look of your other stuff which sticks with a realistic look, this just looks out of place.

But that's my opinion.

Posted: 2004-04-06 08:51pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Pretty much the same as mentioned above, but:

Dark = Bad

Me no see worth damn.

Posted: 2004-04-06 10:01pm
by Elheru Aran
Perhaps you could try more clawlike hands and a scales texture for the skin? Also, the legs look a bit off... the head is excellent though. Looking forwards to the next installment...

Posted: 2004-04-07 01:09am
by Comosicus
I've seen better from you :wink: And maybe you can put some more lights. Too dark => invisible details.

Posted: 2004-04-07 05:06am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
i have to agree with the 'cartoony' comment, he just doesn't look like he goes to work every morning in a fuck-off spikey space leviathan, he looks more like a cartoon dog. The head has real promise, but the body needs the proportions altered to make him look more menacing and athletic, stronger rather than pudgy. I think to fit with your design ethics for the ships he should be much more overtly reptilian, a few spines and scales here and there, or go back to your insectioid version again and do a little rework.

Posted: 2004-04-07 02:27pm
by Slartibartfast

Posted: 2004-04-07 03:32pm
by Shinova
Well keep in mind it's his friend who made that model.

It is a tad bit cartoony. Maybe a bit stereotypical-looking, if that makes sense.

Posted: 2004-04-07 06:31pm
by Major Diarrhia
I liked the original concept more than this. Less humaniod = better.

Posted: 2004-04-07 09:24pm
by Slartibartfast

Posted: 2004-04-07 10:33pm
by SyntaxVorlon
They're backward because it gives it a draconian feel, but it still looks awkward and chunky.

Posted: 2004-04-08 12:40am
by Slartibartfast
Ah, the famous "chicken-leg". Maybe you'll get that if you hammer the dragon's knee until it breaks.

Or you mean like this?


It's a common misconception that quadrupeds have backwards knees. Note that the knee is the same as humans. It's actually the FOOT that looks like it, because they're standing on tiptoes.

Note the lack of an inverted knee:


Posted: 2004-04-10 04:00am
by Shroom Man 777
It looks like something from Shrek. And the darkness does no good. Your friend's work isn't too good if you are aiming for seriousness and evilness. The dragon alien has absolutely no sense of menace. And his knees look like they've been broken, bearing no resemblance at all to dino or chicken legs.

And the thing looks like its made out of clay.