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I require a brain exploding

Posted: 2004-05-29 10:01pm
by YT300000
Specifically from Predator, I need a pic shot of Dillon's (Carl Weather's) brain being blown out by the Predator. In the later frames, so the screen is mostly full of blood and gore. A close approximation of 1020x1280 is good. (yes, I have an interesting taste in wallpaper).

Posted: 2004-05-29 10:30pm
by Montcalm
Just get the DVD and make your own :P

Posted: 2004-05-30 12:23am
by Damaramu
Don't you mean Mac's brains? 8)

Posted: 2004-05-30 07:18am
by Bill Door
I'd do it right away, except I don't have my Predator DVD with me.
You would have to wait until next weekend for me to be able to make the screencaps.

Posted: 2004-05-30 09:03am
by 2000AD
I assume you mean Mac as Dillon has his arm severed and is then gutted by the wrist spike thingy's IIRC.

Don't know how much of a resolution i can get, but i'll take some this afternoon and post them (if i don't forget)

Posted: 2004-05-30 12:11pm
by 2000AD

Posted: 2004-05-30 01:13pm
by YT300000
Montcalm wrote:Just get the DVD and make your own :P
That would require a DVD Rom. :P I had decided to invest in a DVD/VCR unit instead.

Posted: 2004-05-30 01:15pm
by YT300000
Hm... a little washed-out, but nothing that Photoshop can't fix. Although they are too small.

Posted: 2004-05-31 08:46am
by 2000AD
Well if someone can tell me how to increase the screen capture size i can get them in the right size for you.