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Ship WIP

Posted: 2004-06-18 04:23pm
by Pu-239

Generic sci-fi ship- tried to make it semi-hard sci-fi (engine pods have two engines facing both ways), but too ugly, so I stretched it a little. Added torpedo tubes, need to add anti-fighter cannons/lasers and maybe light antiship weapons on turrets. Thrusters also need to be added. I attempted to get that stealth/LO look (doesn't seem easy to see from the front, w/ exception of engines, but horrible from all other sides).

And yes, I made this in Blender- the newest version is pretty nice, but some hardware "accelerated" functions are slow, due to the lack of good 2D OpenGL support on my TNT2. Blender is nice to use once you get used to it. There was a bit of manual point editing around the engines.

Posted: 2004-06-18 04:34pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
It looks a lot like the way I pictured the Empire of Man's shuttles in The Mote in God's Eye, except without the heat shield for re-entry.