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Opinions on my Facial Hair

Posted: 2004-06-24 06:32pm
by 2000AD
Here is my last desperate attempt to find people who like my facial hair.
Which style of facial hair suits me the best:

The Unshaven Grizzly


The Goatee


The Pornstar Moustache


Clean Shaven, With Sides


Clean Shaven, No Sides


Designer Stubble



Posted: 2004-06-24 06:51pm
by Batman
Dude,give it up already. You're suffering from the same problem I am:your beard just isn't dense enough. Clean with no sides, all the way.
Growing a beard, even a simple 'no shave in 3 days' one, requires a minimum number of hairs per cm^2, and from your pictures you don't have it (and I know that I don't).
I can only speak for myself of course but all I achive by not shaving is
a) looking like I haven't had a shave in x time (as opposed to looking like I'm growing a beard), and
b) itching (if time x is long enough).

Posted: 2004-06-24 07:14pm
by aerius
Go with the designer stubble, it keeps you from looking like a baby-face without looking unbalanced like the bearded pictures.

Posted: 2004-06-24 07:51pm
by Howedar
I'm with aerius.

Posted: 2004-06-24 07:58pm
by Joe
Shaved all the way.

Posted: 2004-06-24 08:15pm
by darthdavid
Shave it all. You look RFS (really fucking stupid) otherwise.

Posted: 2004-06-25 07:45pm
by salm
get a new design for your bathroom. the cheesy golden thingies on these tacky tiles are horrible. :)

oh, and shaven with sides.

Posted: 2004-06-25 08:18pm
by J
Clean shaven or stubble, the others, IMO, look kinda goofy.

Posted: 2004-06-25 10:26pm
by SecondStorm
Stubble first or perhaps clean-shaven. The others do *not* suit you.

Posted: 2004-06-26 01:32am
by Zaia
I actually like the first and last the best. *shrugs* If you went with the first, I'd suggest you clean it up just a bit on the neck, but I like the scruff myself...

Meh, what do I know. :D

Posted: 2004-06-26 02:08am
by Darth Wong
Dude, the problem isn't the hair on your chin. It's the hair on top of your head. Fix it.

Posted: 2004-06-26 02:12am
by Gil Hamilton
I didn't even wait for the picture to load; the Porno Mustasche, by far. :)

Posted: 2004-06-26 06:55am
by Dahak
The first one looks best :)

Posted: 2004-06-26 12:03pm
by 2000AD
Darth Wong wrote:Dude, the problem isn't the hair on your chin. It's the hair on top of your head. Fix it.
Bah! Short back and sides hasn't failed me yet! Come to think of it though it hasn't succeeded either.

Next time evryone gets drunk and shaves their head i think i'll join in.

Looks like people favour shaven (or stubble at most), unless i invoke the SD.Net Male Rule and Zaia's vote counts tenfold :D

Posted: 2004-06-26 01:29pm
by aerius
Darth Wong wrote:Dude, the problem isn't the hair on your chin. It's the hair on top of your head. Fix it.
There's nothing wrong with it, except that it looks like hairdo of a pornstar after 20 minutes of humping & pumping.

Posted: 2004-06-26 01:30pm
by Bob McDob
I like the unshaven grizzly.

Re: Opinions on my Facial Hair

Posted: 2004-06-26 02:04pm
by Peregrin Toker
2000AD wrote:Clean Shaven, With Sides

<SNIP pic>
You call that sideburns? They're almost nonexistant compared to my sideburns.

Posted: 2004-06-27 08:36am
by 2000AD
aerius wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:Dude, the problem isn't the hair on your chin. It's the hair on top of your head. Fix it.
There's nothing wrong with it, except that it looks like hairdo of a pornstar after 20 minutes of humping & pumping.
I think having just come out of the shower has something to do with that.
Peregrin toker wrote:You call that sideburns? They're almost nonexistant compared to my sideburns.
They weren't proper mutton chops, but they were still sides.

Posted: 2004-06-27 11:02am
by Oni Koneko Damien
Crap, I picked 'designer stubble' before I realized there was more than one picture.

Anyways, I like unshaven grizzly. The hair isn't thick enough to look...messy. It's a rather even spread, looks sophisticated, and dare I


Posted: 2004-06-27 11:40am
by Zaia
2000AD wrote:Looks like people favour shaven (or stubble at most), unless i invoke the SD.Net Male Rule and Zaia's vote counts tenfold :D
Only tenfold? With the "Is Rye cool?" thread, I think it was a few hundred-fold. :D

And yes, the scruff is t3h sexah. I like.

Posted: 2004-06-27 11:54am
by Knife
As my old Platoon Sgt always said, "If you ain't man enough to grow it, be man enough to shave it."

Wait a couple of years until it will come in. That said, I walk around with stubble alot cuz shaving too much hurts. :cry: