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Sig Banner

Posted: 2004-06-26 01:10am
by RogueIce
EDIT: Updated sig, replaced Golden Wolf with USN logo.

Fitting well within DS's size and height/width requirements...


I'm not trying to go around and stur up stuff (hell, I'd be amazed, if I even bother to stay, [we'll see where the board goes] if I happen to set foot in the Vs to debate SWvsST). But hey, just thought I'd announce my heritage and be proud of it. That, and since the board is so new, there ain't much else to put in a sig banner, is there? :)

Anyway, thoughts and comments on it (as a standalone work, disregarding the origins, though I suppose if it's a bit much that would be worthwhile to know)?

Posted: 2004-06-26 08:42am
by Montcalm
Its a little bit too large,500x100 is enough.

Anyway i like it.

Posted: 2004-06-26 09:13am
by Dalton
Montcalm wrote:Its a little bit too large,500x100 is enough.

Anyway i like it.
As he said, it's for the "other" forum, which has different rules.

Posted: 2004-06-26 01:18pm
by RogueIce
Dalton wrote:
Montcalm wrote:Its a little bit too large,500x100 is enough.

Anyway i like it.
As he said, it's for the "other" forum, which has different rules.
Indeed. Rules which I like incidently (in regards to banner sizes, hint hint).

By the way, it really doesn't work too well on a 500x100 banner. That gets very crowded if I keep the ISD and Wolf proportionate, as I discovered when making one for Knife that fits SDNet restrictions. That extra 20 pixels of height and 140 pixels of width (probably more the latter, really) make a big difference.

And Kuja can just go get a new moniter. :P

Posted: 2004-06-26 02:37pm
by RogueIce
And so, to get comments on my latest creation...

*points to sig*

Or just take a look here.


Obviously, the "SWOtivated" "Dark Knight" and "Non-Socially Inept Middie" titles refer to the various groups of which they share the same color. Handy, no? :)

EDIT: On second thought, it has been taken care of. The orange in HAB now matches the orange in Non-Socially Inept Middie.

EDIT2: And, since Stofsk apparently thought so in Testing... No, that was not me in the last banner I had (the one with the beer in hand), it was just something I got off of Google. Just in case anybody thoguht differently.

Posted: 2004-06-26 03:16pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I want to make a sig banner for DS' site.... too bad my computer (the one with the graphics stuff) is broken. >_<

Very nice Ice. Interesting size for the banner, it seems too big for me, but maybe I'm just used to SDN.

Posted: 2004-06-26 03:24pm
by RogueIce
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:I want to make a sig banner for DS' site.... too bad my computer (the one with the graphics stuff) is broken. >_<

Very nice Ice. Interesting size for the banner, it seems too big for me, but maybe I'm just used to SDN.
Yeah, the thing is huge. 640x120 is very nice though. I can fit lots of stuff if I feel like it. :D

Posted: 2004-07-01 09:55am
by Ice
Now for the sock puppet. Sig banner and avatar. Thoughts, comments?

EDIT: Having a black background around the sword would be cool, but it didn't work out that way. Maybe when I have a lot more time and patience on my hands I can alter it...right now just doing the fill command gets the little annoying white bordery thing around it and it looks bad. Just FYI on why that's white.

Posted: 2004-07-01 11:00pm
by RogueIce
Changed the Ice sig banner. :D

Posted: 2004-07-02 01:09am
by Howedar
I guess I could try to hijack this thread with my sweet-ass new sig.