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My hastily assembled Imperial recruiting poster

Posted: 2004-07-03 08:46pm
by Galvatron
Yes, it's bland, but it's kinda supposed to be. Less satirical than usual, too...


It's a slow day at work, I'm the only one around, and yes: I'm bored.

Posted: 2004-07-03 09:02pm
by Beowulf
For those of us who don't have the Basic glyphs memorized, could you also have a version using the Latin alphabet?

Posted: 2004-07-03 09:04pm
by Ma Deuce
Beowulf wrote:For those of us who don't have the Basic glyphs memorized, could you also have a version using the Latin alphabet?
It translates to (well not actually translate: it's just a different font)



Posted: 2004-07-03 09:05pm
by Galvatron
The whole point is that it's supposed to look authentic. However, the three words in the middle are Order, Discipline, and Peace. Along the bottom it merely says "The Empire Needs You."

Damn, M2, you did that fast.

Posted: 2004-07-03 10:10pm
by darthdavid
Where do you get that font?

Posted: 2004-07-03 10:21pm
by Galvatron
I bought it from these guys years ago. Never really had much use for it though.

Posted: 2004-07-03 10:24pm
by Ma Deuce
You can also get it for free here (there are three variations available), along with some other SW-related fonts.