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Dragon arm and hand WIP

Posted: 2004-07-16 03:45pm
by Fuzzy Modem
3rd try or is it my 4th try at modeling this alien species? Started with the hand and arm this time. The aliens need to be deadly at close range but dexterous enough to manipulate precise instruments and devices. Also they should look fearsome but intellegent. To this end I came up with a claw that folds up out of the way of the smaller fingers. ... gonarm.jpg

No idea where to go from here, but atleast I have a start again...

Posted: 2004-07-16 03:54pm
by Gil Hamilton
I'd remove that enormous pointer finger and replace it with a finger much like the others.

Posted: 2004-07-16 03:58pm
by Rye
they're pretty cool. Personally, I think you should have a centaur-like reptile species, with a dragon-style head. I think that'd look pretty different.

Not too sure about the extending finger being where the main index finger should be though... maybe one that comes round from the side as opposed to below, to go where the pinky does normally, cos we hardly ever use those.