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Modeling Military Miniatures

Posted: 2004-07-21 01:45pm
by Nathan F
I've recently gotten back into the old hobby of modelling. This time, though, I'm taking a bit of a different aspect on it. I used to, as a child, put together models of airplanes, not really paying a huge amount of attention to their historical significance. I have now learned alot since then, and am working towards modeling in more of a historically accurate sense. I am also working on a WW2 diorama. I plan on having a sort of 'last stand' battle, a German AT gun, SdKfz 251/1 halftrack, an MG squad, and some infantry vs. an American patrol consisting of a Sherman, a MB with M1919, and american infantry squad.

Below I have some pictures of a couple models I've completed already, a M41 Walker Bulldog tank (model by Tamiya), a Willy's MB (also by Tamiya), a B-1B (by Monogram, if I recall correctly), and a B-58 and TBF Avenger (both by Lindbergh). Also, some advice towards any modellers: Don't buy the Lindbergh B-58. The one I had was fairly old, so things *might* have changed since then, but it was possibly the single worst model I have ever put together. Pieces didn't fit, even with trimming, the instructions were incomplete, the decals were very low quality, and suggested painting was very vague.

M41 Walker Bulldog


B-58 Hustler

Willys MB Jeep (probably my best model yet)

B-1B (Actually assembled by dad a couple years back, so I can't take credit)

TBF Avenger

EDIT: Fixed link and added Avenger

Re: Modeling Military Miniatures

Posted: 2004-07-21 01:49pm
by Darth Wong
Nathan F wrote:Below I have some pictures of a couple models I've completed already, a M41 Walker Bulldog tank (model by Tamiya), a Willy's MB (also by Tamiya), a B-1B (by Monogram, if I recall correctly), and a B-58 and TBF Avenger (both by Lindbergh). Also, some advice towards any modellers: Don't buy the Lindbergh B-58. The one I had was fairly old, so things *might* have changed since then, but it was possibly the single worst model I have ever put together. Pieces didn't fit, even with trimming, the instructions were incomplete, the decals were very low quality, and suggested painting was very vague.
Very nice, Nathan. I used to make models when I was a kid too, although without any particular interest in historical accuracy. My favourite was a big F-15 model that I ended up hanging from my bedroom ceiling. It stayed there for years until it was knocked down by accident.

Posted: 2004-07-21 02:09pm
by Trytostaydead
Ah, that brings back memories. When I used to spend my summers in Korea, I would walk down to the little corner toy store, and in Korea you can buy those models for like a few dollars, and the accuracy was astounding. Me and my brother would build tons of them when we weren't busy assembling BB guns from kits and then waging war in the alleys. Ah, the good ole days.

A year ago though, I bought a large USS Missouri model. It took a LOOONG time to build and paint. Especially the hull since I only had a small brush. But you know what? If I were to build a destroyer next, I'd use a small brush again for the hull because it adds a nice texture if done correctly.

Posted: 2004-07-21 09:49pm
by Frank Hipper
Lindberg kits are notoriously bad, Nathan. You did a fine job on that B-58, though. :D

Posted: 2004-07-21 11:12pm
by Darth Paul
Good models - it's a great hobby. The Jeep looks good (a bit hard to see since the picture is dark), but I think the B-58 looks great too! Dioramas are lots of fun. My favorite I made was a Panzer IV in the desert with a couple of soldiers. Unfortunately it ended up at the bottom of a box and was crushed :)

The best investment I ever made was an airbrush (I got a Badger years ago). And to save money on air bottles or compressors, those spare tire adapters actually work very well.

Posted: 2004-07-22 01:00am
by Thag
For a Limburger kit, that B-58 looks nice, I can't see any seams at all. There is something you can try to get rid of that stuff around the edges of the decals and let them blend in with the side: before putting them on, lay down a gloss coat layer, add decals, then add a dull coat layer. Some experimenting is required (I still don't have it quite right), but it looks great if you can pull it off.

Posted: 2004-07-22 11:23am
by Nathan F
Got a couple more pics, although they aren't the best quality. My POS digital camera doesn't like closeups, for some reason...

A WIP german heavy weapons squad. I had originally intended for them to be Afrika Korps, as I couldn't find the right German uniform Grey/Green color, and never could mix it quite right. I finally found some custom paint for that color, so I'm in the process of repainting them. Each MG does have an ammo can and belt, but I've not got those included in the pic.

A bit better pic of the Jeep from a different angle.

Posted: 2004-07-22 05:03pm
by YT300000
I have an F-1 Mitsubishi, an F-15 Eagle, a Space Shuttle, a partially completed HAS 3 ASW helicopter, a Boeing 727 and 747 (a big one) the CF-105 Arrow I made from scratch (not plastic) and 3 Droid Fighters from Star Wars Episode I.

At least, those are the completed (or partially completed) ones I have. I haven't started my MiG-27, or Tie Advanced, or AH-64A yet.

Posted: 2004-07-23 01:00pm
by Nathan F
YT300000 wrote:I have an F-1 Mitsubishi, an F-15 Eagle, a Space Shuttle, a partially completed HAS 3 ASW helicopter, a Boeing 727 and 747 (a big one) the CF-105 Arrow I made from scratch (not plastic) and 3 Droid Fighters from Star Wars Episode I.

At least, those are the completed (or partially completed) ones I have. I haven't started my MiG-27, or Tie Advanced, or AH-64A yet.
Post up a pic of your CF-105. I'm curious as to what your scratchbuilt looks like. :D

Posted: 2004-07-23 04:34pm
by YT300000
Nathan F wrote:Post up a pic of your CF-105. I'm curious as to what your scratchbuilt looks like. :D
The camera's flash obscures the cockpit windows, but you get the general idea. It's 74 cm long (about 29 inches).


Posted: 2004-07-24 12:23am
by Nathan F
YT300000 wrote:
Nathan F wrote:Post up a pic of your CF-105. I'm curious as to what your scratchbuilt looks like. :D
The camera's flash obscures the cockpit windows, but you get the general idea. It's 74 cm long (about 29 inches).

Looks pretty dang good! Whats the material? Wood?

Posted: 2004-07-24 06:33pm
by YT300000
Nathan F wrote:Looks pretty dang good! Whats the material? Wood?
Wood, cereal box cardboard, latex, drywall compound, a few bits of metal, and a shitload of paint.