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Trying to draw an Uber-Anime-Maid

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:09pm
by AnimeJet
Might be too big for in-line, so here

I can't seem to get my art too look like those anime pics you find everywhere. I can still see my crappy style in that picture, arrgg.. but it's as far as i can get, i don't think i'll try doing that again.. just go with the flow.

Just thought you guys would like to see it or something.. any C&C would be nice too.

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:11pm
by Ghost Rider
Really nice.

The big thing I saw that didn't quite work was the eyes and the head. The eyes seemed a tad off center to the head, but the rest worked out well.

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:15pm
by Shinova
Only bad thing I notice is the head and eyes, like ghost said.

Maybe try moving the head slightly left, and work the eyes a bit.

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:15pm
by Zaia
*blinks* That's really, really good.

What do you mean it doesn't look like anime you see everywhere? I would've thought that was professional if I hadn't already known it was yours...

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:16pm
by darthdavid
Yeah. That's standard anime faire.

Posted: 2004-08-17 09:48pm
by Andrew J.
Even though green is my favorite, you might want to put some more color variety in there.

Posted: 2004-08-17 10:04pm
by Utsanomiko
For one thing, the pic is perfectly fine size-wise to inline. I've even seen images much bigger than 100k and wider than 600 pixels posted in non A&P threads without much fuss (though they should post such things out of A&P, but that's another topic).

That said, the problem you and others are noticing stems from an improper alignment of facial features versus shape and orientation of the head, which makes the face lose depth and its direction ambiguous. I'm not an artist, but I can at least suggest you ought to brush up on studying proper feature alignment and head shapes.

Other than the figure's pose possibly being off balance (the torso seems to have an odd lean too far to the left), I'd say the rest of the drawing is excellent. The hair has really great flow, body and detail, the coloration & shading is done very well (the hair and background could be done in another hue for variety though), and the clothes really have good shape to them and convey proper materials.

Posted: 2004-08-17 11:21pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Her tits aren't nearly big enough for "standard anime fare".

Posted: 2004-08-18 12:29am
by AnimeJet
The face, oh the face, arr. I wanted to make it seem it was slightly turned to the left, but i don't think i made the outline of that face pronounced enough in that way. Also the eyes are too big and nose/mouth too small, it seems. The torso may look off because the legs would put there after the picture was done... i didn't want people saying "omg no legs!".

Halfway through the picture, i thought "ok, too much green" and i changed the shade of some of it to make it bluer, i should have made a more complicated color scheme, but since i was working with a new style, i didn't want to make it too complicated. I'll have to keep this stuff in mind. Not that i'm ever doing this again :D
Anarchist Bunny wrote:Her tits aren't nearly big enough for "standard anime fare".
I saw that coming. Far, far away.

Posted: 2004-08-18 12:37am
by Superman
Jet, remember what I told you about the boobs? Well... Oh, I see someone beat me to that... Shit.

Posted: 2004-08-18 01:03am
by AnimeJet
Superman wrote:Jet, remember what I told you about the boobs? Well... Oh, I see someone beat me to that... Shit.
Not like those aren't big enough already, should i draw a lingerie one to show? :lol:

Posted: 2004-08-18 01:10am
by The Cleric
Yes. God yes.

Posted: 2004-08-18 01:11am
by darthdavid
AnimeJet wrote: should i draw a lingerie one to show? :lol:
Yes please.

Posted: 2004-08-18 01:44am
by 18-Till-I-Die
I second the breasts. They need to be a tad larger. Ever seen Amazing Nurse Nanako (sp?), thats what you need.

Posted: 2004-08-18 02:16am
by SyntaxVorlon
Heh, yeah the head looks like it's looking toward you, while her face is looking to your left. Aside from that, skimpy clothing and boobies.

Posted: 2004-08-18 01:44pm
by Shinova
I think you also need slightly thicker lines.

Posted: 2004-08-18 03:07pm
by Elheru Aran
She looks just fine to me except for the eyes. Don't listen to Shinova, incidentally-- your lines are just fine. I personally don't really go for the thick lines and all; I prefer being able to do more fine detail.

If I were you I'd keep it as it is except for the eyes-- maybe make 'em a bit smaller. Otherwise, she's good. Keep on keepin' on, babe! :D

Posted: 2004-08-18 03:30pm
by Shinova
Eh, I meant SLIGHTLY thicker lines, not THICK lines. :wink:

But experiment and find what you like aj. Can we call you aj?

Posted: 2004-08-18 04:55pm
by Companion Cube
Elements of the face look a little odd, but it doesn't really detract from the picture, and the rest is excellent. Though you seem to have left out the ridiculously huge breasts. :wink:

Posted: 2004-08-18 08:56pm
by Demiurge
Very impressive. You are truly talented. There are only a few problems that I see. All you have to do is fix the eyes and the boobs.

Posted: 2004-08-18 10:03pm
by AnimeJet
My lines are usually pretty thick, but i saw other people that did this style use very thin lines, so i tried to copy it. Oh well, heh. I thougth her boobs were big enough, i mean, most humans don't have breasts that extend past their torso.

Yea yea, i'm such a sell-out. Proportions are off, but it's just a quickie so don't bother telling me what's wrong.
Shinova wrote:But experiment and find what you like aj. Can we call you aj?
Sure, why not. Everyone calls me AJ or sparky >.>

Posted: 2004-08-18 10:18pm
by Captain Cyran
Hmmm, love how you did the hair, the shading, and the clothes. Those are all great. As others have said the eyes are wierd. It looks as if someone punched her in the face hard enough to cause it to collapse some. :D And don't listen to the b00bie whiners. The breasts are a fine size.

Posted: 2004-08-19 02:48am
by SyntaxVorlon
Those boobies are good.
Looks like a good mascot for SDnet. :twisted:

Posted: 2004-08-19 05:21pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
She's got to cup the b00bees, then have some demented little chibi pervert spout the OMFG TEH BOOBEES line in the background.


Posted: 2004-08-19 07:15pm
by Beowulf
The bikini pic looks a lot better...