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Self-Portriats (my friends, this is a challenge)

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:29pm
by bohemianfey
Think you could be artsy? Think there's nothing to it? Dislike stereotypes? Feel like pimping your camwhorey little self?
It's a widely speculated (and often accepted) fact that sci-fi fans are
  • A) Not photogenic.
    B) Not creative
    C) Not understanding of just what's aesthetically pleasing.
    D) All pimple faced, over weight, asthmatic, sinus infected, jack monkies.
We all know this just isn't the case (with some exceptions) and it's about time we cleared the matter up.

Things to consider while taking a self-portrait.
  • A) Lighting
    B) Composition
    C) Negative space
    D) Rule of thirds.
Can you prove them wrong?

I'll start us off.


Posted: 2004-08-25 05:34pm
by Gil Hamilton
Well, there was the Adonis thread where all us guys took off their shirts and posed without them... of course, none of the pictures were nearly as high quality photography as your pictures.

I do have some friends who are decent photographers... I'll see what I can make for this thread.

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:39pm
by The Cleric
It's hard to photograph yourself, I've found out. I have a decent camera, but no one to take pictures. Oh well.

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:41pm
by Zaia
You are quite lovely, my dear, as I'm sure you're already aware. And black and white photography makes the human body look like sculpture. I love it. Very nice work.

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:53pm
by YT300000
Zaia wrote:You are quite lovely, my dear...
I Concur.
bohemianfey wrote:D) Rule of thirds.
What is that?

Posted: 2004-08-25 05:54pm
by Chardok
*drool* Eyes....the eyes....

you are.....*gulp* Gorgeous....

Posted: 2004-08-25 06:27pm
by bohemianfey
bohemianfey wrote:D) Rule of thirds.
YT3000000 wrote:What is that?
The rule of thirds is quite simple, it ties in with composition and negative space. It's much easier to show than to explain.


Okay. See how only three of the dots are touching the focus of the picture? That's good. It give it character and makes it look more clean and prof. Try not to let the focus of your piece touch all four. Three at the most, which is where the name for the rule came from. Only on rare occasions does a picture break that rule and actually turn out looking all right.

The key to good photography is taking a shitload of pictures and picking one or two out a batch that are the best. It gets easier with time and practice.

Oh and one last thing. Borders add 10000000x class to a picture.

Posted: 2004-08-25 06:32pm
by Lagmonster
You're a very good photographer, or at least you know your stuff. I don't know too many people whose artistic merits in photography go beyond a few clumsy self-shots with the aid of the bathroom mirror.

If you want to see the best that sci-fi guys can provide, consult the ADONIS threads at the bottom of the page/start of the next. It won't get much better than that 'round here.

Posted: 2004-08-25 06:37pm
by Lt. Dan
Chardok wrote:*drool* Eyes....the eyes....

you are.....*gulp* Gorgeous....
[CSRadio]Roger that[/CSRadio]

Ya, very pretty indeed. I'll see what I can do, although no digital, so don't expect anything too quickly...

Posted: 2004-08-25 06:47pm
by bohemianfey
w00t. I'm so curious to see how this all turns out.

And thanks for the lovely compliments, though, unfortunately they don't really count. Photography is a subjective thing, you can make anyone look beautiful if you know how.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:21pm
by sketerpot
I don't have a camera handy, but I can doctor photos, after a fashion. Check out how creepy you can be made to look. :P

YOW! I am having FUN!

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:36pm
by CrimsonRaine
Chardok wrote:*drool* Eyes....the eyes....

you are.....*gulp* Gorgeous....
She might win the Aphrodite contest by default. I now, officially, have no chance. ;)


Posted: 2004-08-25 07:38pm
by Col. Crackpot
well aren't you a fascinating addition to our merry band of loonies! :D

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:46pm
by bohemianfey
CrimsonRaine wrote:
Chardok wrote:*drool* Eyes....the eyes....

you are.....*gulp* Gorgeous....
She might win the Aphrodite contest by default. I now, officially, have no chance. ;)

Oh so not true. I saw a such a pretty girl on the Official photo thread. I bet you stand a lot better chance than you think, my pictures are all just suped up and enhanced.

Sketerpot! That's awesome. Try it with an invariation, nagative and then solarize. Demon Dei.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:52pm
by Gil Hamilton
CrimsonRaine wrote:She might win the Aphrodite contest by default. I now, officially, have no chance. ;)

Speaking of which, I have to get off my ass and make the Aphrodite Headshot Thread, don't I?

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:00pm
by XaLEv
Those pictures wouldn't happen to be infrared, would they? Your avatar, especially, looks like it is.

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:01pm
by The Cleric
Looks more like grayscale and blur.

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:02pm
by Gil Hamilton
Not even. They look like honest to god black and white photos made with someone who knows how to use a camera. You can see the grain of the film and everything (though that can be added with photoshop, it doesn't look like it here).

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:23pm
by bohemianfey
Gil got it right, they're black and whites.

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:27pm
by YT300000
XaLEv wrote:Those pictures wouldn't happen to be infrared, would they? Your avatar, especially, looks like it is.
*notes the double entendre*

Hehe. Clever.

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:50pm
by J
I don't have self-portraits seeing that all pictures of me were taken by someone else...but I think this is the closest thing I have. Yeah yeah, I know, I've only posted it 50 times by now... :wink:


Posted: 2004-08-25 08:53pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
jmac wrote:I don't have self-portraits seeing that all pictures of me were taken by someone else...but I think this is the closest thing I have. Yeah yeah, I know, I've only posted it 50 times by now... :wink:
Dear Lord what is that horrible black blob engulfing your arm?!?!?!


Posted: 2004-08-25 08:56pm
by J
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Dear Lord what is that horrible black blob engulfing your arm?!?!?!

That's Sammy the wonder dog. What? You've never seen a dog before? :P

Posted: 2004-08-25 09:01pm
by Gil Hamilton
jmac wrote:That's Sammy the wonder dog. What? You've never seen a dog before? :P
He looks pissed off. :?

Posted: 2004-08-25 09:08pm
I don't know too many people whose artistic merits in photography go beyond a few clumsy self-shots with the aid of the bathroom mirror.
It's called a "timer" :D

Nah, I'm joking. I used to take lots of self pictures (fodder for digital manipulation, like this:


After a little practice, you get used to lining up a shot just by glancing at the lens out of the corner of your eye, if need be.

I need to get a new camera... our old one got stolen. My buddy has a shitload of digital pics that I should make him get to me.