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3D Modeling Comp (WIP)

Posted: 2004-08-29 01:26pm
by Warspite
Well, my entry to the quarterly competition, and it was about damn time too!

It's a pretty simple concept really, just a monstrous spear through a planet, the really hard stuff was putting all the particles in place to simulate the debris ring... First time I fooled around with particles, deflectors and forces, it was interesting.

All the geometry is in place, only thing missing is texturing the planet, the spear and adding a cheesy nebula for background.


Posted: 2004-08-29 07:06pm
by salm
what was hard about the particles? what didn´t work?

Posted: 2004-08-29 07:21pm
by Warspite
salm wrote:what was hard about the particles? what didn´t work?
Oh, nothing too great, really. It was the first time I really devoted some time to particles to achieve a specific goal, without just making cute effects or the like. That, and my comp doesn't like too many of them... I tried to render a 1 minute animation of them swirling around, and it just crapped on me. (I connected a Vortex in order to homogenize the emition from the 2 Pclouds).

Posted: 2004-08-30 08:20am
by salm
Warspite wrote:
salm wrote:what was hard about the particles? what didn´t work?
Oh, nothing too great, really. It was the first time I really devoted some time to particles to achieve a specific goal, without just making cute effects or the like. That, and my comp doesn't like too many of them... I tried to render a 1 minute animation of them swirling around, and it just crapped on me. (I connected a Vortex in order to homogenize the emition from the 2 Pclouds).
ah, a vortex. that´s why you´ve got single particles flying around where there shouldn´t be any, the one´s that fly out of the vortex.
personally i would have done that by animating the particles along a spline. that´s easier to controll than vortexes, at least for this type of strict shape like circles and stuff.

Posted: 2004-08-30 08:41am
by Warspite
Eeek... Didn't think of that one. Yeah, I'll give it a try.