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A Few Pics of my Trip to Date ....

Posted: 2004-09-07 07:29am
by Crown
Hello all!

Big thanks to verilon for hosting these for me! I don't want to waste his band width (and the pics are a little large in dimension) so I'll just link to them and not post them here.

The pics are split in three 'sections'; Going away party, Thessaloniki, Kozani (where I was born but all the pics here are from my Grandfather's village).

Going Away Party

The Invite to the Party

Me, my God brother and God sister and her boyfriend

Me, Michelle and Nick, two friends from uni

Jessica and me

Me and my nephews Alex and Chris, the day after


Me and my cousind Danai

(you know, at this point I'm thinking that writtin 'me' all the time is becoming redundant)

On top of the 'White Tower', not so white anymore, but it is the last part of the old city wall (along the coast) remaining. There are more walls still intacted higer up in the city

The White Tower, playing like a tourist I got interviewed on Greek TV! :P

At one stage the Tower was used as a jail, and here is Danai posing as 'jail bait'

The city was originally founded in Ancient times by Alexader the Great's brother in law, here is a monument to Alexader

One of the most recognisable images of Alexander's battle with Darius at Issus

A very blury picture of me next to the replicas (not to scale) of phalanx weapons

At the beach

I wish beaches were like this back home!

My Grandfather's Village

My Grandfather is the caretaker at the seismograph

The one on the top was the quake in Athens (500km away) and the one beneath it was the local one a few hours later

Me and Grandpa

Sunset ... we are actaully already 800m above sea level at this point, whenever people as me from which part of Greece I am from, I always reply 'the mountains'

Well ... not very 'touristy', but that's because I'm mainly with family at the moment. Once I hit out alone, I'll try better pics.

See you all!

Posted: 2004-09-07 10:10am
by Ghost Rider
Nice pics, Crown. :D

Posted: 2004-09-07 01:46pm
by Zaia
Yay, coolness! Those umbrellas on the beach are quite adorable, much like all the people in your photos (including you). :D