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RNC Protest photos (Not 56k friendly)

Posted: 2004-09-08 08:54pm
by fgalkin
As you well know, Bush& Co. gathered in NYC for their little wankfest. This caused lots of obnoxious assholes gather up in large groups and protest the convention, making everyone's life miserable in the process. In the meantime, the city was flooded with lots of fundies, cutlists and other crackpots trying use the commotion to promote their bullshit.

Being bored, your humble servant has armed himself with an old camera and embarked on the marvelous journey in RNC NYC.

NYC during the RNC was filled with all kinds of groups trying to promote their agendas. Groups like Jews for Jesus


Jews for Bush,


Jews Against Bush and Jews against Jews For Jesus (no pics of them. Sorry).

Of course, anyone who was in Manhattan during the week saw an incredible amount of folowers of a religion called the Falun Gong whining about their persecution in China (like we're supposed to give a shit). They were literaly on every corner, but few displays got as elaborate as the one at 59th St and Lexington Avenue.

(Here's a hint: if I want to see tied up Asian people, I'll watch Japanese bondage. Your help is not needed in that area)

Of course, in addition to the crackpots of all kinds were the protestors themselves. Throughout the cities there were groups like Grandmothers against the war



As well as individual protestors (some of which were pretty cool)


What would Darwin Do?

I wonder why this one wasn't around more

Some of the protestors got creative :wink:


This guy has a point...

On Thursday, there was a rally of Veterans Against the War in Union Square:


A close-up

Woot! The Declaration of independance


Shoes symbolizing the fallen soldiers.


There's one in every crowd :roll:

Later that day, there was a protest in front of Madison Square Garden, just as Shrubby was about to give his speech.





OMG! Attack of teh commies!



Of course, the protestors weren't the only one opposed to Bush


That's all, folks.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-08 09:14pm
by Ghost Rider
Pretty cool there Russkie :D .

I rather like the Socialist sign.

Posted: 2004-09-08 09:16pm
by Captain Cyran
I liked the little signs on the tent. I should get one to put in my room.

Posted: 2004-09-08 09:42pm
by Rogue 9

Posted: 2004-09-08 09:46pm
by Zaia
Awesome. Thanks for posting these; they rock.

Re: RNC Protest photos (Not 56k friendly)

Posted: 2004-09-08 09:53pm
by Stofsk
fgalkin wrote:Image
Notice how the sign "Save America: Defeat Bush!" is juxtaposed next to a streetsign which has an arrow pointing at it saying "One Way"? While the other sign - or more symbolically, the other direction - has... nothing. :D I don't know if you planned for that, but damn is it cool.

Posted: 2004-09-08 10:03pm
by fgalkin
That was unintentional. In fact, I've only noticed that once you pointed that out.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-08 10:08pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Though it's still incredibly fucking cool.

Good stuff all around. Finally, there's a place where every weirdo, screwball, and nutjob can meet to promote a common good: insanity.

Posted: 2004-09-08 10:24pm
by fgalkin
Hardball with Chris Matthews is being filmed there. No Zell Miller in sight, though. :wink:


(Btw, I just noticed that the guy with the poster in this pic showed up at the protest on Thursday and got into another pic of mine)

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-08 10:31pm
by Rogue 9
fgalkin wrote:That was unintentional. In fact, I've only noticed that once you pointed that out.

Have a very nice day.
Yeah, but you'll note that the arrow points right. :wink:

Posted: 2004-09-08 10:57pm
by Stofsk
Rogue 9 wrote:Yeah, but you'll note that the arrow points right. :wink:
So? You'll note that it is the right way to go. 8) :P

Posted: 2004-09-09 10:40am
by Gandalf
I like the Socialist sign, I bet that pamphlet she's holding barely mentions Communism at all.

Posted: 2004-09-09 01:40pm
by fgalkin
Stofsk wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Yeah, but you'll note that the arrow points right. :wink:
So? You'll note that it is the right way to go. 8) :P

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-09 03:09pm
by Kuja
Jews for Jesus? Uh....what?

Posted: 2004-09-09 04:06pm
by Col. Crackpot
Kuja wrote:Jews for Jesus? Uh....what?
9/11 was an inside job....
socialist revolution is the only solution....

i'll say, if people put even half as much effort into actually solving problems as they did coming up with catchy slogans we'd be living in a far better world. :roll:

Posted: 2004-09-09 05:07pm
by Rye
Kuja wrote:Jews for Jesus? Uh....what?
They're christian missionaries that pretend they're jews in order to convert them.

Posted: 2004-09-09 06:30pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Rye wrote:
Kuja wrote:Jews for Jesus? Uh....what?
They're christian missionaries that pretend they're jews in order to convert them.
That's Fucking Evil. Is there no evil fundy christians won't stoop to?

Posted: 2004-09-09 06:37pm
by Rogue 9
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Rye wrote:
Kuja wrote:Jews for Jesus? Uh....what?
They're christian missionaries that pretend they're jews in order to convert them.
That's Fucking Evil. Is there no evil fundy christians won't stoop to?
I thought someone on here said they were Messianic Jews. (I wouldn't know; I've never even heard of the organization outside of the context of this board.) :?

Posted: 2004-09-09 07:34pm
by Xenophobe3691
Rogue 9 wrote:I thought someone on here said they were Messianic Jews. (I wouldn't know; I've never even heard of the organization outside of the context of this board.) :?
It's a little bit of both...well, a little bit of what you said, and a shit ton of the former. It's really a despicable operation.

Posted: 2004-09-09 07:48pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Xenophobe3691 wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:I thought someone on here said they were Messianic Jews. (I wouldn't know; I've never even heard of the organization outside of the context of this board.) :?
It's a little bit of both...well, a little bit of what you said, and a shit ton of the former. It's really a despicable operation.
Information about Jews for Jesus, from Rick Ross. 'Tis what Google turned up.

I love the pics, fgalkin.

Posted: 2004-09-13 01:58pm
by fgalkin
Xenophobe3691 wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:I thought someone on here said they were Messianic Jews. (I wouldn't know; I've never even heard of the organization outside of the context of this board.) :?
It's a little bit of both...well, a little bit of what you said, and a shit ton of the former. It's really a despicable operation.
I thought it was because Jews were the chosen people, and if you're a Jew you're always a Jew even if you convert or somesuch.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-13 07:52pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Rogue 9 wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Rye wrote: They're christian missionaries that pretend they're jews in order to convert them.
That's Fucking Evil. Is there no evil fundy christians won't stoop to?
I thought someone on here said they were Messianic Jews. (I wouldn't know; I've never even heard of the organization outside of the context of this board.) :?
I've met enough of them to see that they cover a wide range. Some are messianic Jews who stay Kosher and don't believe Jesus is the sone of God, but possibly will come back as a messiah. (I.E. Jews who say 'Jesus' a lot so that Christians will leave them alone.) Most, however, are just Protestants who used to be Jewish and feel really guilty about converting.

Posted: 2004-09-13 07:54pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Any way. They are nice pics, but I don't see a lot of toplessness or women with their slogans painted on their bare, bountiful chests.
...I miss bay area protests. :(

Posted: 2004-09-13 09:25pm
by fgalkin
You should have told me you wanted b00biees. I would have asked the Grandmothers against the War to do a striptease. :twisted:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-09-13 11:02pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
That certainly would have gained more attention for their cause.