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FSTGOD: Here there be dragons...

Posted: 2004-10-07 04:05pm
by Rogue 9
Okay, I'm getting pictures for all the movers and shakers of my kingdom in the FSTGOD. These include two dragons. I'm trying to decide on a good one to use for one of them; I'm tossing in other pics because they're cool. Credit for the pictures given where I know the artist.

First, the choices for Kalfyra, hostile red dragon:


Matthew Mitchell


Second, Lothirlondodis, silver dragon:


An idea of the general relations between the two:

Vinod Rams

If anyone has any other pictures that they think might work and that I can use, please share. Even if I don't use 'em, good depictions of dragons are always something I'm interested in.

Posted: 2004-10-07 04:19pm
by Lindar
I like the second picture, mainly because it fills the characterization of a red one better. That and it has a hint of mortality to it. The third one seems to self assured, and the first one, though lovely, isn't detailed enough(ok more detailed than I could manage probably, but I like the second one best!). At least that's the feeling I get looking at it. They're all wonderful pictures though, so the choice is entirely up to you.

Posted: 2004-10-07 04:19pm
by LadyTevar
Larry Elmore has always been one of the best when it comes to paintings of Dragons, imho

Posted: 2004-10-07 04:38pm
by Tsyroc
The top red dragon reminds me of something done by Jeff Easley but I think it was made by a different artist.

Posted: 2004-10-07 05:43pm
by Rogue 9
Lindar wrote:I like the second picture, mainly because it fills the characterization of a red one better. That and it has a hint of mortality to it. The third one seems to self assured, and the first one, though lovely, isn't detailed enough(ok more detailed than I could manage probably, but I like the second one best!). At least that's the feeling I get looking at it. They're all wonderful pictures though, so the choice is entirely up to you.
Well, the third one is entitled "Death of the Dragon." :wink: The second one likely fits the D&D characterization of the red dragon better because it's from the Draconomicon. :P As for the first, yes it could use more detail.

Thanks for the links, guys. Wow. :shock:

Posted: 2004-10-07 06:30pm
by The Cleric

I voted 2, but I meant 3. Goddammit. I think the third one is prettier, but the second is great for characterization.

Posted: 2004-10-08 01:01am
by Rogue 9
Just tossing this in here so I'll remember it later. Not going to use it, but it's cool.

Edit: This was working literally ten minutes ago, but now it isn't. Perhaps it will be back. Keeping the link here.

Posted: 2004-10-08 11:03am
by Kuja
I like that pic of the silver dragon vs. the red.

Posted: 2004-10-08 11:18am
by Rogue 9
Kuja wrote:I like that pic of the silver dragon vs. the red.
That one's from the Draconomicon.

Posted: 2004-10-08 11:29am
by Kuja
Yeah, I know, I read it. :wink:

I think my favorite D&D pic ever is the one of a gold dragon knocking a bunch of people into the air with its tail. :D

Posted: 2004-10-08 11:30am
by Rogue 9
I like the one from the 3.0 PHB that had Tordek in the dragon's mouth with him axeing it in the face. Sadly, it was removed for the 3.5 edition. :cry:

Posted: 2004-10-08 03:38pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Wow! Todd Lockwood, Jeff Easley, Keith Parkinson, Larry Elmore. Some of the best fantasy artists around! However, I think the baddest-looking dragons are the ones painted by Bob Eggleton for his Book of Dragons and by Michael Whelan for "Dragons of Light" (actually Dragons of Darkness, causing hilarity to ensue).

Posted: 2004-10-08 04:51pm
by Rogue 9
Hmmmm. I'll have to see if I can find that.

Posted: 2004-10-13 03:37pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
The third. BTW the first pic is more like Gold Dragon, though.

Posted: 2004-10-13 03:45pm
by Grand Moff Yenchin
I voted 1, dunno why, probably because it looks quite powerful.

Posted: 2004-10-14 02:26am
by fgalkin
Ph34r the Created Dragon!

From Nick Perumov's Ne Vremya Dlya Drakonov. The original pic may be found here, but it's a very slow load.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-10-14 02:47am
by Rogue 9
it's a very slow load.
No it isn't! :P

Posted: 2004-10-14 02:56am
by fgalkin
Really? It took like 5 minuts for the pic to load for me.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-10-14 11:48am
by Lindar
Rogue 9 wrote:
Kuja wrote:I like that pic of the silver dragon vs. the red.
That one's from the Draconomicon.
And upon hearing the title twice, I think i have to add it to my to read list. Thing is... it sounds familiar, but I don't think I've read it. Does it give better descrip. on the different types, or just elaborate a little more on what is already known?

Posted: 2004-10-14 12:39pm
by Kuja
Lindar wrote:And upon hearing the title twice, I think i have to add it to my to read list. Thing is... it sounds familiar, but I don't think I've read it. Does it give better descrip. on the different types, or just elaborate a little more on what is already known?
It gives full-blown descriptions of every dragon and quasi-dragon in the D&D universe, plus all the data on various dragon gods (including Bahamut and Tiamat), how different dragons act, look, how and where they build their lairs, who they associate with, who they hate, how they're played, how they grow, etc, etc.

Posted: 2004-10-14 12:40pm
by Lindar
Kuja wrote:
Lindar wrote:And upon hearing the title twice, I think i have to add it to my to read list. Thing is... it sounds familiar, but I don't think I've read it. Does it give better descrip. on the different types, or just elaborate a little more on what is already known?
It gives full-blown descriptions of every dragon and quasi-dragon in the D&D universe, plus all the data on various dragon gods (including Bahamut and Tiamat), how different dragons act, look, how and where they build their lairs, who they associate with, who they hate, how they're played, how they grow, etc, etc.
Sounds like a great bedtime snack. Thing is I'll have to catch it first heh.

Posted: 2004-10-14 12:50pm
by Kuja
Lindar wrote:
Kuja wrote:
Lindar wrote:And upon hearing the title twice, I think i have to add it to my to read list. Thing is... it sounds familiar, but I don't think I've read it. Does it give better descrip. on the different types, or just elaborate a little more on what is already known?
It gives full-blown descriptions of every dragon and quasi-dragon in the D&D universe, plus all the data on various dragon gods (including Bahamut and Tiamat), how different dragons act, look, how and where they build their lairs, who they associate with, who they hate, how they're played, how they grow, etc, etc.
Sounds like a great bedtime snack. Thing is I'll have to catch it first heh.
Last I checked, both Media Play and Waldenbooks had a couple copies each. Just don't bug my while I'm working. :P

Posted: 2004-10-14 01:31pm
by fgalkin
Bah, Ne Vremya Dlay Drakonv's dragons pwn j00 all. They're pretty much gods, and rule everyone.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-10-14 04:42pm
by Lindar
Kuja wrote:
Lindar wrote:
Kuja wrote: It gives full-blown descriptions of every dragon and quasi-dragon in the D&D universe, plus all the data on various dragon gods (including Bahamut and Tiamat), how different dragons act, look, how and where they build their lairs, who they associate with, who they hate, how they're played, how they grow, etc, etc.
Sounds like a great bedtime snack. Thing is I'll have to catch it first heh.
Last I checked, both Media Play and Waldenbooks had a couple copies each. Just don't bug my while I'm working. :P
Now let's think Logically.... Would I Do something like that?*rolls eyes, evil grin* Besides, I don't have time for shopping. I'll just ask around. Am sure I can borrow it. If not I'll have to wait a while, that stuffs contraband as far as the parental units go, heh. That or con Cammy...

~*~ w00t! Sev's got it...and am gonna borrow it when it's found!

Posted: 2004-10-14 04:46pm
by Rogue 9
Your parents consider it contraband? If its for the reason I'm thinking, I might be able to help with that. Fundie paranoia? If so, unless they're hardcore Chick followers I can probably get them to lay off with a few select documents that I've got.