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cutest. puppy. ever.

Posted: 2004-10-10 09:10am
by Col. Crackpot
you all must gaze adoringly at my new beagle! His name is Flash Gordon and he was a birthday present from my wife.

Flash Gordon the wonder beagle

and he chews on my arm

Posted: 2004-10-10 09:25am
by Mr Bean
You haven't see cute till you've see a box full of puppies

Posted: 2004-10-10 09:28am
by Col. Crackpot
Mr Bean wrote:You haven't see cute till you've see a box full of puppies
Bean, I picked him out of a playpen filled with 7 beagle puppies. adorable. sadly I didn't think to bring a camera to the breeder.

Posted: 2004-10-10 09:32am
by Mr Bean
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:You haven't see cute till you've see a box full of puppies
Bean, I picked him out of a playpen filled with 7 beagle puppies. adorable. sadly I didn't think to bring a camera to the breeder.
More the pity, prehaps the next time you want to bring back an adorable ball of fuzz you remeber to at least take a picture of the runner-ups

Posted: 2004-10-10 10:42am
by Dalton
Hmm, that's life. Beer and a puppy.

Posted: 2004-10-10 03:01pm
by Executor32
Look out, the evil mirror universe Will Ferrell is trying to assault your extremely cute puppy with a beer bottle! ;)

Posted: 2004-10-10 03:06pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Looks delicious. :wink:

Posted: 2004-10-10 03:11pm
by JME2
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Looks delicious. :wink:
I quote Triumph the Insult Comic Dog:
"What are you, are you a Korean guy under there?!"

Posted: 2004-10-10 05:36pm
by Dahak
As I just have seen the movie Cats&Dogs, it looks just like the leading dog there :)

Posted: 2004-10-10 08:14pm
by Col. Crackpot
Dalton wrote:Hmm, that's life. Beer and a puppy.
He loves the smell of beer! Tried to drink it on me too.

Posted: 2004-10-10 09:09pm
by Dalton
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Dalton wrote:Hmm, that's life. Beer and a puppy.
He loves the smell of beer! Tried to drink it on me too.
You're gonna love that puppy forever :D

Posted: 2004-10-11 03:20am
by Damaramu
Flash is adorable! Have fun!

Posted: 2004-10-11 09:59am
by haas mark
Dalton wrote:Hmm, that's life. Beer and a puppy.
I will say nothing of the typical white trash/redneck stereotype. The only things missing are a gun and a mobile home.

Posted: 2004-10-12 08:08pm
by Zor
verilon wrote:
Dalton wrote:Hmm, that's life. Beer and a puppy.
I will say nothing of the typical white trash/redneck stereotype. The only things missing are a gun and a mobile home.
And the fat, smoking, blonde wife with missing teath.

Posted: 2004-10-13 10:55am
by Col. Crackpot
well i can assure you that my home is not moblie, my wife is a hot non smoker with all of her teeth and i am currently unarmed.

Posted: 2004-10-14 05:25pm
by Vertigo1
Mr Bean wrote:You haven't see cute till you've see a box full of puppies
Try having one trying to suckle on your ear lobe thinking its a nipple. ;)

Funny thing is, it would cry if anyone else held it. :P Dammit, this calls for a post your pets thread! :)

Re: cutest. puppy. ever.

Posted: 2004-10-24 02:55am
by Death from the Sea
Col. Crackpot wrote:you all must gaze adoringly at my new beagle! His name is Flash Gordon and he was a birthday present from my wife.

Flash Gordon the wonder beagle

and he chews on my arm
I love my beagle. only drawback is that he is he likes to howl.... alot.

Posted: 2004-10-24 03:18am
by Captain Cyran
Gah! The cute! *hides pictures from his dog.* What? I'm not hiding anything from you. You're my favorite dog ever. Really.

Posted: 2004-10-24 09:51pm
by Lonestar
*turns into a bubbling mass of girliemanhood*

Posted: 2004-10-25 06:34am
by InnerBrat
The word that came out of my mouth can be spelt (I think) as:



Posted: 2004-10-25 06:47am
by Col. Crackpot
oh he loves to howl. and he is teething so he likes to nibble on my hands. It's funny, when he bites i tap him on the nose and say "NO!" and he cocks his head, gives me an astonished look and howls. :lol:

And now he has figured out the baby gate i have set up to keep him out of the living room. He actually tests all four corners with his nose and paws, finds the weakest corner and charges full speed at at.

Re: cutest. puppy. ever.

Posted: 2004-10-25 07:08am
by BoredShirtless
God that thing is ugly. The puppy is cute though :P

Posted: 2004-10-25 11:14am
by Captain Cyran
Col. Crackpot wrote:oh he loves to howl. and he is teething so he likes to nibble on my hands. It's funny, when he bites i tap him on the nose and say "NO!" and he cocks his head, gives me an astonished look and howls. :lol:

And now he has figured out the baby gate i have set up to keep him out of the living room. He actually tests all four corners with his nose and paws, finds the weakest corner and charges full speed at at.
*collapses, taken out by cuteness overload.*

Posted: 2004-10-25 09:00pm
by Bug-Eyed Earl
Reminds me of Yert, the neighbors' beagle.

Actually, his name's not Yert. But I forgot hsi real name, and since his bark/howl sounds like he's saying "YERRRRRRRT!" I call him that.

Yert gets upset when I walk to work and don't stop to pet him, but the neighbors don't mind, so he usually gets it.

Posted: 2004-10-25 09:16pm
by Tasoth
All hounds bay. And there's nothing like waking up to a pair of them going apeshit at the mailman. Better then an alarm IMHO.