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CG Modelling Contest 3!

Posted: 2004-10-19 12:42pm
by Beowulf
The rules:

Entry rules:
1. Entries must be received by Midnight March 30th (-11 GMT).

2. One Entry per person.

3. An entry is defined as one model or coherent group of models (ex: A fighter and the missiles it is launching).

4. Models must be new for this contest. No fair to the other contestants entering models you started 3 years ago, and have been steadily working on since.

5. Pictures must be done with a rendering program.

6. Deadline will not be extended without some really exceptional reason. You have 2 1/2 months. Use it.

Judging rules:
1. Judging will be done on several criteria: Originality, Model quality, and scene aesthetics.

2. Each section will be judged on a ten point scale.

3. The composite score from all the judges will be combined to determine the winner.

4. The judges will be whichever denizens feel inclined to judge.

The topic:
A fighter plane. Can included futuristic elements, and is not restricted to air-breathing craft.

The prize:
Choosing the next topic, and entry into the hall of fame thread(which will be going up real soon now, I promise)

Posted: 2004-11-21 11:17am
by Mrs Kendall
I thought this meant a COVER GIRL contest !! :oops: :lol:

Posted: 2004-11-22 11:36am
by salm
Mrs Kendall wrote:I thought this meant a COVER GIRL contest !! :oops: :lol:
oh, it can be a cover girl contest. games have covers.



Posted: 2005-01-16 08:50pm
by Beowulf
I'm lazy, so I just edited the original post.