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Pics from Afghanistan

Posted: 2004-10-25 01:00am
by phongn
You might remember me posting a thread with some guy going into Kabul to look at some nifty stuff. Well, he's got more pics here. 56K unfriendly, and I hate to think how much of the DOD's satellite bandwidth he used uploading these pics.

Posted: 2004-10-25 02:16am
by Mr Bean
Not like were are using that bandwidth for anything else useful

Posted: 2004-10-25 02:30am
by Rogue 9
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that those shouldn't even be posted on the 'Net? At least not the pictures of the area surrounding the base.

Posted: 2004-10-25 06:51am
by Vympel
The thing about hating the Air Force is interesting. I can think of very few other explanations to explain what Avengers are doing there.

Posted: 2004-10-25 07:12am
by BoredShirtless
Rogue 9 wrote:Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that those shouldn't even be posted on the 'Net? At least not the pictures of the area surrounding the base.
Well can you please tell your suspicion to quit sneaking up on you if it won't bring some evidence with it?

Posted: 2004-10-25 07:22am
by Chardok
BoredShirtless wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that those shouldn't even be posted on the 'Net? At least not the pictures of the area surrounding the base.
Well can you please tell your suspicion to quit sneaking up on you if it won't bring some evidence with it?
OpSec. It probably is against policy to show pics like that. I was looking at those thinking "Holy shit. You could plan an entire bomb run based on those pics. They're damned good intel." If his unit information officer got wind of this it would be a Very Bad Thing™.

On another note, did anyone happen to notice the weapon the door gunner was using? Just thought I'd mention.

Posted: 2004-10-25 07:40am
by BoredShirtless
Chardok wrote:You could plan an entire bomb run based on those pics.
A bomb run is an airstrike, right?

Posted: 2004-10-25 08:03am
by Chardok
BoredShirtless wrote:
Chardok wrote:You could plan an entire bomb run based on those pics.
A bomb run is an airstrike, right?
ANYone could plan a bomb run. The point is not that it would help our enemies within afghanistan, it's called operational security for a reason. laws and rules within the army are applied uniformly, whether their violation is moot or not. If a commander says no matter what, you are not allowed to have more than two alcoholic beverages, even on weekends, and the commander sees you out on saturday chug-a-luggin 5 beers, then calls you into their office on monday for an asschewing and possible article 15, you gonna whine to them about how "It was saturday, sir?"

Something as simple as trash left at a bivouac site can provide intelligence. Those pics can give TONS of intelligence, not just for airstrikes, but for locations of strategic US positions, etc. "But it doesn't SHOW the base!" Well, which direction is the chopper flying? You can tell that by the sun. The cruising speed of a UH-60 is easy to figure out, and you can even tell how fast they are travelling by the length of shaows, the amount of light, etc. and one could make the case that the pics are probably in chronological order, because shuffling them is not something you would ordinarily do. Using all that, you can determine the positino of the us base, send scouts out to confirm and put mortars on target.

All this before you start in with some bullshit about there not being any enemy aircraft in A-stan

Posted: 2004-10-25 08:42am
by phongn
He's posted pictures before and said he had explicit permission to do so. Heck, earlier he posted a bunch of pics of his base.

Posted: 2004-10-25 08:42am
by BoredShirtless
Chardok wrote:
BoredShirtless wrote:
Chardok wrote:You could plan an entire bomb run based on those pics.
A bomb run is an airstrike, right?
ANYone could plan a bomb run. The point is not that it would help our enemies within afghanistan, it's called operational security for a reason. laws and rules within the army are applied uniformly, whether their violation is moot or not. If a commander says no matter what, you are not allowed to have more than two alcoholic beverages, even on weekends, and the commander sees you out on saturday chug-a-luggin 5 beers, then calls you into their office on monday for an asschewing and possible article 15, you gonna whine to them about how "It was saturday, sir?"
If those pics can't be used to kill people, why should Rogue 9, you or I care if it's on the net? Do you think Rogue 9 was objecting because they break Article 213 section 9 subsection 15 of the The Rules of US Warfare?
All this before you start in with some bullshit about there not being any enemy aircraft in A-stan
Do you really think that guy would put his own life and/or that of his colleagues at risk? I'm going to give him more credit then that.

Posted: 2004-10-25 10:33am
by Chardok
Well, if he got permission, then he got permission. Case closed.

My bad.

Posted: 2004-10-25 02:18pm
by Korvan
I loved the part where he explained why there were air defenses when the opposition had no air capability.