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New ship (lego)

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:21am
by Hyperion
Yes, I need to model this in LW one of these days since lego makes an otherwise very sleek ship look blocky and stuff, but it's enough to show what it looks like.

UES Wayfarer-II

This is the flagship for my faction in the now-defunct Exile SD.

The four plate assemblies at the front and back with the hoses coming off of them are gravitic maneuvering plates/sidewall generators, the light ones are on. In operation these would not look unlike the pads on the hovercraft from Matrix. Especially if the ship was in atmosphere, which it is capable of doing. The "hoses" are heavily armored coolant and plasma lines, they are external due to space constraints in the design caused by excessive weapon mounts in the front, and being mounted on the primary engines in the back.[/url]

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:22am
by The Cleric
Were you going to link something?

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:23am
by Hyperion
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:Were you going to link something?
Caught it just after I posted it, fixed now. Jeez you were fast. :)

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:24am
by Rogue 9
Going to put up a link that works?

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:29am
by The Cleric
Rogue 9 wrote:Going to put up a link that works?
Works for me :? .

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:30am
by Hyperion
The gorramn link works from here, and the server is remote, so it's not the server's fault.

Forgot to add, it's not a Trek ship. There are similarities, like the engine layout, but in the game it's a layout that's needed because of how volatile the engines can be when hit. You don't want them inside the hull if you want to keep the ship, but they have to be solidly mounted to the hull, hence no pylons like on trek, they're mounted in extensions of the main engineering hull.

That ship started out as an Enterprise-D over 10 years ago, all that remains of that is four small pieces that make up the spine of the model. It was a little shorter (about 8 inches), and about 3x the width (not counting the external weapons mounts that jut out from the sides.) than it is now. It has been in this general form about 6 years now.

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:31am
by Rogue 9
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Going to put up a link that works?
Works for me :? .
Quoth the server, 404.

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:34am
by Hyperion
Rogue 9 wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Going to put up a link that works?
Works for me :? .
Quoth the server, 404.
No idea, seems to work for everyone but you. I guess my server's gremlins hate you. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:42am
by Shinova
Works fine my end.

Looks like one of those Matrix hovercrafts too. :)

Posted: 2004-11-02 02:54am
by Dalton

Posted: 2004-11-02 05:09am
by Hyperion
Shinova wrote:Works fine my end.

Looks like one of those Matrix hovercrafts too. :)
*much* bigger though. The ship masses in the multi-megaton range. Several of those Matrix hovercraft could fit in each of the 4 main storage/launch bays of the ship. But yeah, it does, and it was partly designed to do so. The world of Exile is very dark, even though the game is now dead, this ship really shows the feel of it. Not unlike Matrix, Exile is a world of desparately rebuilt and constructed civilization, the ships show it.

Thanks Dalton.

Posted: 2004-11-02 05:20am
by Rogue 9
How do you mass in a measure of explosive force? :wink:

Posted: 2004-11-02 10:21am
by salm
you might want to take pictures of it infront of a one colored background. it´s kind of hard to see stuff with this distracting background.

Posted: 2004-11-02 12:51pm
by Hyperion
salm wrote:nice.
you might want to take pictures of it infront of a one colored background. it´s kind of hard to see stuff with this distracting background.
Yeah, I know. I tried... Just had only a couple minutes to grab the pics, load them on the laptop, and run out the door to go back to uni on Sunday... I'll be taking better ones during Thanksgiving.

As for measuring ship mass in megatons, I've heard it done before, might not be correct, but it makes some sense to me in that a megaton is a million tons, this ship would mass in the multi-million ton range. If someone knows about it's correctness, let me know.

Posted: 2004-11-02 03:21pm
by StarshipTitanic
You...mixed...colors?!?! ;) Excellent ship!

Posted: 2004-11-02 10:22pm
by Hyperion
StarshipTitanic wrote:You...mixed...colors?!?! ;) Excellent ship!
Heh, thanks. I tried to keep the color mixing down to a realistic and fitting black, grey, and white scheme.

The engines probably look a lot like ST engines, but they're not. The blue parts are open plasma vents for the engine, they are also not field engines. The red in the front is mostly blackbody heatsinks for the plasma flow channels. The ramscoops are built into the underside of the ship's engineering section and are shut down and armor plates cover them in battle to prevent damaging the delicate exposed systems. Also, the engines are not field based, they're a relatively odd design using a single reactor per engine to inject plasma directly down the length of the engine and accellerate and compress it in compressor coils. The engines are basically plasma-based linear accellerators capable of forcing a highly compressed stream of plasma out the back (under the reactor) at speeds nearing that of lightspeed. The engine's plasma flow channels form a U going from the back of the engine (the reactor), around the front, then back out of a series of vents at the back below the reactor. The engines are extremely volatile, but efficient and afford the ship extremely long ranges and abnormally high speeds for a ship of its type.

All of the tech on the ship is compatible with the SWand B5 universes and their physics. This ship would not operate well in the ST universe with it's lack of physics. Exceptions for the B5 and SW universes would be the jumpcore, which is unique to the game and has no similarities in any other universes.

Posted: 2004-11-03 03:12am
by The Yosemite Bear
mmmm. lego ships....

just remembered building one in an STGOD which had beer as it's primary arment....

Posted: 2004-11-03 04:21am
by Hyperion
The Yosemite Bear wrote:mmmm. lego ships....

just remembered building one in an STGOD which had beer as it's primary arment....
Captained by Bender by any chance?

Posted: 2004-11-03 04:23am
by Rogue 9
Pic still doesn't work.

Posted: 2004-11-03 05:48am
by Hyperion
Rogue 9 wrote:Pic still doesn't work.
You're special.

What browser are you trying to use to get in? If it's opera, that might be part of it, my server hates opera. (I also configured it as such due to security problems caused by opera.)

See if you can get into just the pictures directory rather than the site for the ship:
UES Wayfarer-II Pictures

You can also go to the main site and navigate to it that way via this link: Main Site

Posted: 2004-11-03 06:58am
by The Yosemite Bear
Hyperion wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:mmmm. lego ships....

just remembered building one in an STGOD which had beer as it's primary arment....
Captained by Bender by any chance?
no captained by me the friendly bartender...

hey kegs make good warheads right?

Posted: 2004-11-03 12:18pm
by Hyperion
The Yosemite Bear wrote:
Hyperion wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:mmmm. lego ships....

just remembered building one in an STGOD which had beer as it's primary arment....
Captained by Bender by any chance?
no captained by me the friendly bartender...

hey kegs make good warheads right?
I'd say they could, the carbonation pressure in vacuum could cause some rather explosive effects, and the metal from the kegs. Hmm... Another use for beer... :mrgreen:

Posted: 2004-11-04 03:19am
by Sarevok
Very nice, I initialy thought it was a succeror to the Star Trek Prometheus.

Posted: 2004-11-04 04:03am
by Rogue 9
Hyperion wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Pic still doesn't work.
You're special.

What browser are you trying to use to get in? If it's opera, that might be part of it, my server hates opera. (I also configured it as such due to security problems caused by opera.)

See if you can get into just the pictures directory rather than the site for the ship:
UES Wayfarer-II Pictures

You can also go to the main site and navigate to it that way via this link: Main Site
The problem is that it cannot find the site at all. I quote Firefox:
Firefox could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

IE just gives me a Cannot Find Server message. As far as my comp and network can tell, that site simply does not exist.

Posted: 2004-11-04 05:49pm
by Kuja
Then something you're using is screwing you, because I see the lego ship, and it KICKS ASS! *thumbs up* :D