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Attention all artists!!

Posted: 2004-11-03 06:03pm
by Enigma
I need your services. I was wondering if I can bother anyone of you two draw up (either by hand or on the comp) a picture of a Raptor\human hybrid (Raptor head, arms, legs and tail and a human torso) wearing ancient Roman armour? The colour of the armour would be white with gold trimming and instead of a normal sword and tower shield, it would be an energy (or vibro) sword and an energy tower shield? If anyone is willing to do this then I'd be grateful.

My drawing skills are not that great but I'd like a picture of the description above. Why do I need such a picture. Well the picture will help me in the ASVS STGOD MK II. My empire (the Mafiosi) uses raptor\human hybrids as their footsoldiers and I'd like a pic of one as a reminder. If anyone can help me out then thanks!

Posted: 2004-11-03 09:32pm
by Tasoth

Just a pen sketch.

Posted: 2004-11-04 07:36am
by Chardok
Tasoth wrote:Huzzah!

Just a pen sketch.
Wow....That's really good, Tasoth!

Posted: 2004-11-05 12:52am
by Tasoth
even more impressive considering it took me between 15-30 minutes.

Posted: 2004-11-05 07:57am
by Enigma
Tasoth wrote:Huzzah!

Just a pen sketch.
Cool! I like I like! Can you make it so the raptor is wearing a helmet? Thanks!

Posted: 2004-11-05 01:14pm
by Comosicus
Nice picture indeed. You could try a more refined version :wink:

Posted: 2004-11-05 07:06pm
by Enigma
Comosicus wrote:Nice picture indeed. You could try a more refined version :wink:
Huh? Sorry me brain no work well right now. Explainy pleeasee?:)

Posted: 2004-11-06 01:38am
by moku
How about now adding colour and texture using gimp or ps?

Posted: 2004-11-06 04:50pm
by Tasoth
HA! I don't do color, PoS art program skills and general lack of attention span. But I may use color pencil. *shrug*

Posted: 2004-11-06 08:31pm
by moku
Tasoth wrote:HA! I don't do color, PoS art program skills and general lack of attention span. But I may use color pencil. *shrug*
Well, every artist has his/her own style. Are you going to color it? ^^

Posted: 2004-11-07 11:23pm
by Tasoth