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Opera (music, not browser)

Posted: 2004-11-10 09:18am
by bohemianfey
Do you like opera? I'm curious so humor me. If you do, which is your favourite show/composer/singer.

Posted: 2004-11-10 09:21am
by Gandalf
I like some of it, I watch a bit on my local foreign language channel.

It's rarely in English though, as one would guess.

Posted: 2004-11-10 09:36am
by HemlockGrey
Eh, find it boring. Damn N. Italian fops.

Posted: 2004-11-10 09:38am
by SyntaxVorlon
Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?

Posted: 2004-11-10 09:42am
by bohemianfey
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?
There was a lot of really good classical music in FF6. Like Brahms. Gottta love Brahms.

And to answer my own yuestion:
Operas (in no particular order): Madame Butterfly, La Boheme, Tosca and Carmen.
Composer: Puccini.
Singers (in no particular order): Don Giovanni, Maria Callas, Placido Domingo, Pavaratti and Lois White.

Posted: 2004-11-10 10:02am
by Ghost Rider
bohemianfey wrote:
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?
There was a lot of really good classical music in FF6. Like Brahms. Gottta love Brahms.

And to answer my own yuestion:
Operas (in no particular order): Madame Butterfly, La Boheme, Tosca and Carmen.
Composer: Puccini.
Singers (in no particular order): Don Giovanni, Maria Callas, Placido Domingo, Pavaratti and Lois White.
FF6 had Brahms?

Where...I can't remember off the top of my head.

And for me...for Opera...all I've heard is Wagner. So I can't say much beyond that.

Posted: 2004-11-10 10:18am
by bohemianfey
Ghost Rider wrote:
bohemianfey wrote:
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?
There was a lot of really good classical music in FF6. Like Brahms. Gottta love Brahms.

And to answer my own yuestion:
Operas (in no particular order): Madame Butterfly, La Boheme, Tosca and Carmen.
Composer: Puccini.
Singers (in no particular order): Don Giovanni, Maria Callas, Placido Domingo, Pavaratti and Lois White.
FF6 had Brahms?

Where...I can't remember off the top of my head.

And for me...for Opera...all I've heard is Wagner. So I can't say much beyond that.
The Phantom Train if memory serves.
Wagner isn't one of my favourites, but tolerable none the less. You should check out some Puccini if you want to here some incredible opera. The man was a genius.

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:04am
by Lindar
*nods* Opera is good to listen to, but I can't tell ya anything about it since i rarely hear it. *hrrms* My lil brother used to be keen when it came to opera though, he sung along, and sounded good even without knowing the words

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:18am
by Fire Fly
I do listen to opera. But in order to like it, you have to have an open mind first; you have to be willing to listen to music in a foreign language (generally), you have to like classical music, and you usually have to be willing to use your brain juuust a little.

I say that because operas in general are tradegies and require a little more thought about why this or that is significant, ie. why does Alfredo chose to sing about drinking to the moment and to the pleasures of life to Violetta in the opera La Traviata? Answer: because that was his way of initiating dialouge with the demimonde Violetta, who was soon to die from tb.

There are good operas and bad operas, depending on your style and how you are as a person. A few good ones are Rigoletto with its surprise ending and Madame Butterfly and how it so personally can touch you.

I personally do not like Wagner because he tends to lack finesse; he's more of the loud booming music. However, Puccini and Verdi were true geniuses and if you like plays about whores, sex, and killing with a classical music twist, you'll love most of Mozart's works (The Marriage of Figgaro is particullarly good and so is Don Giovani). I saw a modern version of Marriage of Figgaro, set in the 1980s in the Trump Tower, I believe. At first, I thought, "Oh god..." but it turned out to be extremely captivating and even though I knew how it was going to end, it had me at my seat.

In conclusion, opera can be great if you're willing to try it. Besides, its great to get that sense of "aaahhh...." when ever they use an opera piece for commercials.

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:19am
by Kuja
It's like everything else out there: some is good, some is crap.

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:22am
by Lagmonster
I enjoy opera *music*, but aren't much for the stories themselves. Much like I enjoy the technical art of ballet, but find the storytelling aspects exceedingly tiresome (ironically, it is the reverse for modern dance, which is pretentious to the point of revulsion, and often even tries to be 'for the sake of art').

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:29am
by aerius
Does "A Night At The Opera" by Queen count?

Ok, seriously, I like the music, but I don't have the attention span to sit through an entire operal. It's cool when they a movement or 2 but that's about as much as I can handle in one listening.

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:32am
by bohemianfey
aerius wrote:Does "A Night At The Opera" by Queen count?
No, but lord almightY does that song KICK ASS.

Posted: 2004-11-10 11:42am
by Zaia
bohemianfey wrote:
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?
There was a lot of really good classical music in FF6. Like Brahms. Gottta love Brahms.
I'm not sure which tracks are supposedly Brahms, but the only composer I've ever come across for the entire soundtrack to FFVI is Nobuo Uematsu, and I would think if they used Brahms they'd have to credit. The opera sequence comes in four tracks, 'Overture,' 'Aria de Mezzo Carattere,' 'The Wedding Waltz,' and 'Grand Finale?', so are you sure you weren't thinking of one of those instead of the Phantom/Mystery Train track? (Incidentally I haven't played FFVI yet so I don't know the piece in question and can't comment, but I did find one review that said that the opera sounded like it was written by Wagner because it matched his style almost exactly.)

Anyway, as for me, I sung a concert of entirely Verdi and fell in love with a whole bunch of his music, especially 'La Traviata.' SO much fun to sing! :D

Posted: 2004-11-10 01:00pm
by Ace Pace
I love Opera, but finding good stuff is hard.

Posted: 2004-11-10 01:52pm
by Mayabird
Zaia wrote:
bohemianfey wrote:
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Some are good. If it's good, I'll like it. Who can say no to the Opera from FF6?
There was a lot of really good classical music in FF6. Like Brahms. Gottta love Brahms.
I'm not sure which tracks are supposedly Brahms, but the only composer I've ever come across for the entire soundtrack to FFVI is Nobuo Uematsu, and I would think if they used Brahms they'd have to credit. The opera sequence comes in four tracks, 'Overture,' 'Aria de Mezzo Carattere,' 'The Wedding Waltz,' and 'Grand Finale?', so are you sure you weren't thinking of one of those instead of the Phantom/Mystery Train track? (Incidentally I haven't played FFVI yet so I don't know the piece in question and can't comment, but I did find one review that said that the opera sounded like it was written by Wagner because it matched his style almost exactly.)
There's an orchestrated version of the entire FF6 opera that has real opera singers and everything (:P to all of you garbled SNES voice lovers). It's 23 minutes long and I love every minute of it. IM me and I can send it so you can listen to it.

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:00pm
by Zaia
Mayabird wrote:There's an orchestrated version of the entire FF6 opera that has real opera singers and everything (:P to all of you garbled SNES voice lovers). It's 26 minutes long and I love every minute of it. IM me and I can send it so you can listen to it.
Sweet!! :D

I don't suppose it gives credit to the composer, does it? If so, who does it credit?

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:05pm
by Mayabird
Zaia wrote:
Mayabird wrote:There's an orchestrated version of the entire FF6 opera that has real opera singers and everything (:P to all of you garbled SNES voice lovers). It's 26 minutes long and I love every minute of it. IM me and I can send it so you can listen to it.
Sweet!! :D

I don't suppose it gives credit to the composer, does it? If so, who does it credit?
Everything I've ever seen credits Nobuo Uematsu as the composer.

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:08pm
by Saurencaerthai
Right now, given the wide variety of things I have to listen to, I don't often have time to specificaly listen to opera. However, just as I would with any performance, if I have the opportunity to go, I take it. Last year, our company did a rather outstanding take of Mozart's Don Giovanni, which I enjoyed greatly. (I suppose it also helps that I knew a number of people both in the pit and on stage!)

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:11pm
by Ace Pace
Mayabird wrote:
Everything I've ever seen credits Nobuo Uematsu as the composer.
Its him ... 11914.html

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:19pm
by The Cleric
Look at me! I'm being indifferent!

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:23pm
by Enforcer Talen
operatic music I like - dimmu borgir and cradle of filth, for example.

actual opera music, I havent heard much of.

Posted: 2004-11-10 02:26pm
by Ace Pace
Mayabird wrote:There's an orchestrated version of the entire FF6 opera that has real opera singers and everything (:P to all of you garbled SNES voice lovers). It's 23 minutes long and I love every minute of it. IM me and I can send it so you can listen to it.
And there was much rejoycing from Ace Pace! :P :P

Posted: 2004-11-10 05:01pm
by Raptor 597
I do enjoy opera, most especially Mozart. Don Giovanni, the Magic Flute, and the Marriage of Fiagaro are my favorites by him. Operattos like "The Very Model of an Modern Major General" are also good; the other piece which is really an opera with pieces is Strauss's Don Quixote.

Posted: 2004-11-10 06:56pm
by Saurencaerthai
Enforcer Talen wrote:operatic music I like - dimmu borgir and cradle of filth, for example.

actual opera music, I havent heard much of.
Cradle and Dimmu are operatic?