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Trek - ******* Crossover. Your input needed

Posted: 2004-12-06 05:03am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
OK, some of you might know that I do the occasional 3D thing now and again. A contest on another board has come up with the challenge "When Worlds Collide", which has nothing to do with George Powell saving humanity from certain doom, but is in fact an invitation to make a Trek crossover picture. I have to take a Trek element and have it in another universe in an interesting situation, or vice versa, and I was thinking to myself "who do I know who would have bizarre ideas for crossovers....?"

This is where you come in. I know the weirdos on this board will have personal fantasies that they see Trek ships in, so I want to hear them. The most interesting and do-able will probably end up as a 1280 x 1024 CG picture, and you might have the satisfaction of winning a contest on a trek board. :) Let the nonsense begin...

Posted: 2004-12-06 05:33am
by Alan Bolte
The Borg attempt to assimilate a Shadow Battlecrab from B5. I leave the specifics up to you.

Posted: 2004-12-06 06:43am
by Dalton
An ISD tractoring in the Defiant like the beginning of ANH :)

Posted: 2004-12-06 07:07am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Dalton wrote:An ISD tractoring in the Defiant like the beginning of ANH :)
Ohh, good one. Dalton is in the lead so far...

Posted: 2004-12-06 07:14am
by 2000AD
Some feds getting brutally tortured to purify their souls for letting unprotected psykers just walk around and openly consorting with aliens, by the Inquisition from WH40K

Or maybe an Ork Brute ramship hitting the Enterprise.
Eldar whupping those Vulcan pansies.

Posted: 2004-12-06 08:05am
by Frank Hipper
A trio of Klingon D-7/K'T'Ingas running from an ISD, ala TMP and ANH.

A BOP and a Corellian Corvette duking it out.

A Constellation flyover of an Executor class.

Posted: 2004-12-06 09:20am
by Col. Crackpot
A damaged Enterprise-A blasting apart a Minbari Warcruiser at The Battle of the Line

Posted: 2004-12-06 09:31am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Some interesting ones there, a trek flyover of an Executor class in the style of the Enterprise flying over V'ger might be a great animation to do, but might not make an exciting still image. The BOP and Corvette might be a little too esoteric for some folks, they might not spot the corvette is actually a Wars ship and not from Trek anyway.

2000AD's ideas are sound, but I dont have time to make much in the way of new models for this (deadline is before New year), so I have to limit myself to all the usual stuff available off the shelf. That basically means canon and popular non-canon stuff that's already been modelled and is available. I have a fair bit of Trek stuff and a ton of Star Wars stuff, and bits and pieces from various other popular stuff. There's not much WH40K stuff out, I might have a landraider or Rhino and a Space Marine Terminator but thats it. Eldar stuff is non-existent.

Posted: 2004-12-06 10:26am
by Rogue 9
I second Dalton's suggestion.

Posted: 2004-12-06 10:36am
by Lancer
q (Q's son) as a little boy playing w/ the E-J and a SSD in deep space.

If the Federation of the future has fantastic, passive space-distorting technologies, as evidenced by their temporal pod, then why is the E-J still so huge???

Posted: 2004-12-06 10:38am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Oh hell yes!

My idea is clearly the best:
One of the iconic Warhammer 40k pics of Space Marines atop a pile of corpses - but replace the usual with corpses of Borg, redshirts, klingons, etc. :twisted:

Posted: 2004-12-06 10:55am
by Robert Walper
Anything with a nicely rendered Borg cube or more to proper scale. So few of those...

Posted: 2004-12-06 11:00am
by Chardok
How about a pic of the E-D being swarmed by Mutalisks? Green shit all over the hull, overlord in the distance. and of course, the E-D has to be trailing blue plasma.

Or a pic of the hallway of a fed ship. Closeup of a face of a redshirt lying down. Eyes open, face frozen in a silent scream. Dead of course. on the left side you see a blue, armor clad leg, and coming down through the middle of the pic the bottom 1/3 of an elite's energy sword. down the hallway, through the open door, bolts of plasma are in midflight. and there's also fire in there somewhere.

Posted: 2004-12-06 11:16am
by Luzifer's right hand
A Borg cube getting trashed by a Posbi Cube.
Ok Ok it's too obscure. :cry:
Matt Huang wrote: ot:
If the Federation of the future has fantastic, passive space-distorting technologies, as evidenced by their temporal pod, then why is the E-J still so huge???
The E-J was a ship from the 26 Century, the small ship was from the 29 Century(IIRC).

Posted: 2004-12-06 11:18am
by Rogue 9
Chardok wrote:How about a pic of the E-D being swarmed by Mutalisks? Green shit all over the hull, overlord in the distance. and of course, the E-D has to be trailing blue plasma.

Or a pic of the hallway of a fed ship. Closeup of a face of a redshirt lying down. Eyes open, face frozen in a silent scream. Dead of course. on the left side you see a blue, armor clad leg, and coming down through the middle of the pic the bottom 1/3 of an elite's energy sword. down the hallway, through the open door, bolts of plasma are in midflight. and there's also fire in there somewhere.
I also second this. Could you do both? Please? :wink:

Posted: 2004-12-06 11:53am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Ok, Rogue 9 and the boys might have something with the hallway firefight, it wouldn't take too long to make a hallway but it might take a bit of doing to get a decent redshirt, and I've never even heard of the other guys at all.

Borg cubes are easy, I have some half decent models of Borg stuff and a cube that renders up nicely in the right light.

Dalton got me thinking, what if i remade the start of Star Wars, intro crawl and all, but with the Defiant replacing the Corvette? I'd need some nonsense to put in the blurb, then the defiant flies over exchanging fire with th star destroyer, before taking a nasty hit and getting tractored in. I've got the bits lying around to do it, I made a complete Star Wars beginning for a guys fanfilm once, and the great thing is you can just use the music from the film as long as you use the right timing.

Posted: 2004-12-06 12:04pm
by Dalton
That is a really nifty idea man :) I think though you'd have to scale down the Defiant a bit to get it to fit inside.

Posted: 2004-12-06 12:07pm
by Rogue 9
Would you? Corvette's 150 meters. Isn't the Defiant 120?

Posted: 2004-12-06 12:11pm
by Dalton
Rogue 9 wrote:Would you? Corvette's 150 meters. Isn't the Defiant 120?
You know, I just checked on Jeff Russell's site. I thought the Defiant was bigger.

Posted: 2004-12-06 01:32pm
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Depends who you ask, some are saying it changes size all through the series, but I think it will comfortably fit in the bay of the stardestroyer anyway. I'll do a quick picture as a check and get back to you all.

Posted: 2004-12-06 02:05pm
by Chardok
Link to covenant elite with energy Sword

Now all you need is
1. Hallway
2. Dead redshirt
3. plasma bolts flying in room at the end of the hallway.

Make this picture and I will worship you as a god.

Posted: 2004-12-06 04:15pm
by JME2
The N-Nautilus from Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water [rightfully] kicking the crap out of the NX-01 :lol: :twisted:


N-Nautilus Blueprints

Posted: 2004-12-06 05:03pm
by Tasoth
Something involving Red Dwarf and the Enterprise being kicked

Posted: 2004-12-06 05:18pm
by Robert Walper
Kenny_10_Bellys wrote:Ok, Rogue 9 and the boys might have something with the hallway firefight, it wouldn't take too long to make a hallway but it might take a bit of doing to get a decent redshirt, and I've never even heard of the other guys at all.

Borg cubes are easy, I have some half decent models of Borg stuff and a cube that renders up nicely in the right light.

Dalton got me thinking, what if i remade the start of Star Wars, intro crawl and all, but with the Defiant replacing the Corvette? I'd need some nonsense to put in the blurb, then the defiant flies over exchanging fire with th star destroyer, before taking a nasty hit and getting tractored in. I've got the bits lying around to do it, I made a complete Star Wars beginning for a guys fanfilm once, and the great thing is you can just use the music from the film as long as you use the right timing.
Sweet! Do it man! :lol:
Potentail scrolling text wrote: Star Wars Versus Star Trek: The Empire strikes first

It is a time of rebuilding and high hopes for peace throughout the United Federation of Planets. With the Dominion war now over, the Starfleet now once again focuses it's efforts towards exploration of the Milky Way galaxy.

Unknown to the Federation, a spacial anomaly has opened up on the fringes of explored space, letting through a monsterously powerful battleship, the likes of which the Milky Way has never before seen.

Responding to a distress call from a nearby colony, the USS Patton races to the rescue, ready to challenge whomever or whatever threatens the security of the Federation again...

Posted: 2004-12-06 05:29pm
by Enigma
Uhmm have a Death Star sized Cube blasting a planet?

A huge AQ fleet against an ISD or two?