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A Sad Day for Pantera Fans....

Posted: 2004-12-09 03:04am
by Mlenk
Dimebag Darell is dead.

And there goes all my hopes for a Pantera reunion :(

Posted: 2004-12-09 04:22am
by Sokar
Fuck :shock: fucking Pantera reunion(not fucking likely , but we can dream).........

Posted: 2004-12-09 04:28am
by Mlenk
it's pretty crazy. I was playing CS earlier and out of the blue one guy typed that Dimebag was dead. I thought he was fucking around at first but then when I looked it up, sadly he wasn't.

Posted: 2004-12-09 04:57am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Mother fucker... This make me very sad, and very angry. To bad that douche bag of an ass sack who did this was killed. The shit head deserves constant Bubba love for this.

Posted: 2004-12-09 05:13am
by Superman
Really odd shit. I thought it would have been drugs or something, not murder.

Posted: 2004-12-09 06:36am
by DocHorror

Posted: 2004-12-09 06:45am
by Col. Crackpot
what the fuck?! :wtf: :evil: thats insane!

Posted: 2004-12-09 07:18am
by Xenophobe3691

And I was just starting to get into Pantera...

Posted: 2004-12-09 07:28am
by Frank Hipper
Some friends of mine knew the guys in Pantera well enough that they'd party with each other, but you couldn't really call them close friends.

Pantera actually opened for them once, way back before Far Beyond Driven came out. Dimebag Darrell was the guy that did more to keep in touch with them, too. I never met the guy, myself, but this still is pretty fucking shocking to me.
While I'm glad the cops killed the guy who did it, I would have liked to have known why he did....

Posted: 2004-12-09 10:40am
by Rye
Gah, didn't see this thread. Sucks, really really does suck.

What the fuck would possess someone to do this? Dime has always been the cool one in contact with the fans and a world-class guitar player, this is totally senseless.

Suck suck suck suck suck....

Posted: 2004-12-09 11:57am
by The Yosemite Bear
Superman wrote:Really odd shit. I thought it would have been drugs or something, not murder.
yeah murder's are rare for celebraty deaths, they are far more likely to die in a crash, or from a heart attack then anything else.

Posted: 2004-12-09 12:19pm
by Stormbringer
The Yosemite Bear wrote:
Superman wrote:Really odd shit. I thought it would have been drugs or something, not murder.
yeah murder's are rare for celebraty deaths, they are far more likely to die in a crash, or from a heart attack then anything else.
Well, if he's got the name Dimebag Darrel, I'm guess that ups the odds more than a little bit.

Posted: 2004-12-09 12:53pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Even then the heart attacks are more likely.

because of all the stress that the partying, drugs, sex, and preformance puts on the body. your more likely to just keel over while relaxing, rather then actually shooting/snorting.

Posted: 2004-12-09 01:16pm
by Mlenk
Frank Hipper wrote: While I'm glad the cops killed the guy who did it, I would have liked to have known why he did....
I've heard some people speculate that the guy did it because of some comments Phil Anselmo made about Dimebag, saying that he should be beat and all this other bullshit that's been happening between Phil and Dime since Pantera broke up.

Posted: 2004-12-09 02:12pm
by Frank Hipper
Mlenk wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote: While I'm glad the cops killed the guy who did it, I would have liked to have known why he did....
I've heard some people speculate that the guy did it because of some comments Phil Anselmo made about Dimebag, saying that he should be beat and all this other bullshit that's been happening between Phil and Dime since Pantera broke up.
Put the "Fan" in fanatic, didn't he?

Posted: 2004-12-09 02:21pm
by Stormbringer
Mlenk wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote: While I'm glad the cops killed the guy who did it, I would have liked to have known why he did....
I've heard some people speculate that the guy did it because of some comments Phil Anselmo made about Dimebag, saying that he should be beat and all this other bullshit that's been happening between Phil and Dime since Pantera broke up.
A sad commentary on the music industry these days. :x

Posted: 2004-12-09 02:29pm
by Col. Crackpot
shit, it's like you can't go to a concert anymore without that nagging thought in the back of your mind. Will you be shot, maced, trampled or burned? [old guy rant mode] In my day all you had to worry about was a broken bone from the mosh pit or some laced weed.

Posted: 2004-12-09 03:14pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Actually the trampling goes pack to the Who in Cincinati...

Posted: 2004-12-09 03:45pm
by Sidious
Has any source confirmed the status of Vinnie Paul? Eyewitnesses were saying he was shot too and may have been killed as well. For both of them to be lost on the same day...ugh

This is truly a horrible moment for metal. One of my all time favorite guitarist's from one of my all time favorite bands lost.

RIP Dimebag...

Posted: 2004-12-09 05:05pm
by Kintaro
I heard it on the radio this morning on my way to work.


Rest in peace.

Posted: 2004-12-09 05:53pm
by Saurencaerthai
Sidious wrote:Has any source confirmed the status of Vinnie Paul?
Nothing reported yet.
God, to see his brother shot and killed right in front of him...that's going to leave some scars...

Posted: 2004-12-09 07:07pm
by UltraViolence83
I'm gonna down some Jack and (once I find another job) smoke a dime in reverence.


Posted: 2004-12-09 07:39pm
by Sidious
According to Vinnie is not hurt.

*Toasts a blacktoooooth to Dime*
Scoop of the Columbus, Ohio radio station The Blitz 99.7 FM has confirmed to BLABBERMOUTH.NET that DAMAGEPLAN drummer Vinnie Paul was uninjured in the shooting incident at a Columbus nightclub which resulted in the death of Paul's brother, Dimebag Darrell. According to Scoop, who attended the concert and briefly saw Vinnie following the incident, Paul was in a complete state of shock and expressed his desire to be with his brother right after the shooting occurred.

A friend of Scoop's, Kevin Minerd, who also attended the concert, told BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the gunman entered the stage from the left side and walked over to the right side where Dimebag was standing before grabbing the guitarist and pumping several bullets into him. Additional shots were fired, although it's presently unclear which other member of DAMAGEPLAN, if any, was killed in the incident.

"A Columbus police officer, when he arrived, engaged the shooter, and the shooter is also dead, and if the officer hadn't acted when he did and how he did, we'd probably be looking at more dead, because this guy was actively shooting," Sergeant Brent Mull, public information officer, told MTV News.

"We have 200-plus patrons that we have sequestered inside three city buses," Sergeant Mull explained. "We are interviewing them one by one. The ones that were inside and witnessed this, ran for their lives and were in fear for their lives. They are victims too, and we want to take care of them."

As news of Dimebag's (born Darrell Lance Abbott in Dallas, Texas on August 20, 1966) bizarre and tragic demise rippled through the metal community, the news was met with shock and sadness.

"I'm speechless," friend and ROB ZOMBIE/OZZY OSBOURNE bassist Rob "Blasko" Nicholson told MTV. "This is totally unreal. Dimebag is a fucking legend and this is total bullshit."

"This is insane and this is beyond travesty," KILLSWITCH ENGAGE frontman, and former DAMAGEPLAN tour partner, Howard Jones said. "This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."

ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian, whose band has toured with PANTERA and has featured Dimebag guest appearances on their albums, stated in a posting on ANTHRAX's web site, "I am devastated as I'm sure we all are. All I can convey at this moment are my condolences to Rita and Vinnie and the whole family. My heart is with you."

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx offered the following: "Dime, I will never forget all the times you made us laugh. I'm so happy we got to spend the day together in London recently… We should all live our lives as full as you have. I will miss you, as will all of us... This is a sad day."

Rich Ward (FOZZY, STUCK MOJO): "Darrell was as nice as they come. During the times that I spent with him, I wondered why he played in such a heavy band. Not that he didn't have the ability to school all of us that dared to share a stage with him, but because he seemed like such a gentle and kind man. He had a great sense of humor and was someone that everyone in the room gravitated toward. He never carried himself like the big rock star that he really was, instead he came across humble and appreciative. I consider it a privilege to have known him, as he was one of the 'real' guys in the business and as Zakk [Wylde] would say, 'one of the boys'!"

Shaun Glass (SOIL): "Today I am saddened to say I lost my friend and hero it sickens me that someone would take away a person that brought so much joy to so many people. Love ya, Double D."

SEPULTURA: "Dimebag was an excellent musician and a good friend, a fucking great partner in memorable tours. We'll miss him very much. Our condolences to the Abbott family."

MACHINE HEAD: "MACHINE HEAD are devastated by the horrific news. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Abbott family, DAMAGEPLAN and former members of PANTERA. Our thoughts are with you all."

Jon Dette (ex-SLAYER, TESTAMENT): "My brother just called to tell me that Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed on stage tonight. Words cannot express the sadness I'm feeling right now and my condolences go out to Vinnie Paul and the Abbott family for their loss. This is a huge tragedy for the music world."

Orange County, California-based sextet BLEED THE SKY (recently signed to Nuclear Blast Records): "It's a sad day in heavy metal, Dimebag Darrell formerly of PANTERA, was shot and killed while performing with DAMAGEPLAN in Ohio. We would more than likely not be a band if it wasn't for him, and can't possibly imagine the pain that his brother and his family must be in. RIP, brother, heavy music will never be the same without you."

TRIVIUM's Matt Heafy: "There's nothing that hasn't already been said or felt about this recent tragedy regarding Dimebag Darrell. All I can say is that Dimebag was one of the most influential musicians in our time. Legends aren't something we can pick and choose and they aren't here in vast numbers — Dime was a man who helped inspire countless numbers of players, fans, and people in general, a legend who really made the world seem that much better. Everyone I know who has met Dime says he was really nothing short of one of the nicest people they'd ever met, that he was a humble fun-loving metal head. But now Dimebag Darrell: a son, a brother, an idol, a musician, a fellow man... has been taken from us. It's a terrifying feeling that now at concerts, our very release from the everyday world we each seek out to escape from, our heroes are being murdered. My heart goes out to the Abbott family: Dimebag Darrell Abbott was a man of legendary and heroic status, but before all that Darrell was and always will be a brother and a son; we all mourn today."

Posted: 2004-12-09 08:50pm
by Mlenk
Sidious wrote:According to Vinnie is not hurt.
Well, that's a relief.

Posted: 2004-12-09 11:40pm
by AnimeJet
Heard about it this morning on the news before i went to school. Crazy, i'll say. I don't listen to music that much, but it's still damn shocking.