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Year in Pictures: I say old bean, it might be pic heavy...

Posted: 2004-12-09 11:34am
by El Moose Monstero
Just a thought I had and since I'll be descending into the low-internet-using winter break and won't be online too much, I reckoned now was as good a time as any.

It's that time of year when we start sitting around, stroking our invisible beards and assorted white fluffy kittens, boring the arse off captured british secret agents with our collective holiday photos and what we've been up to during the year.

In order to torture the specific secret agent currently tied to my bed (Sean Connery, hold me back *fans self*), I thought it might be an idea for those of us with itchy trigger fingers and digital cameras to post the best of the photos of whatever you've been up to over the past 11-12 months. This can also include anyone who wants to try and sum up the year's news events in a series of 12 pictures as well.

So, to sum up that rather dodgy premise, give us 11 or 12 (depending on whether you've got anything interesting from December so far :P) pictures , one from each month, which show us what the hell you've been up to.

What's that, Sean? No, I expect you to die. Oh, but rub this lotion in before you do, there's a good fellow.

Posted: 2004-12-09 11:44am
by El Moose Monstero
To start us off:



Corvallis under a foot of snow, San Francisco, New Year as a pirate, aharrr.



My birthday, whey! Oh, and a puny beard. And moose drool beer.



Hawaii at spring break, and it pissed it down! Bloody tropical storms. But my first time on a volcanic site. Groovy.



Nice weather, RHA ball, lots of time spent in the lab. Less fun.



Silver Falls in Oregon, preperation for final exams, a pair of shoes lost to the mysterious oregon rivers and more lab stuff.



Alaska! Whittier and Anchorage and the long flight home, and then the end of the US tour. Sob.



Family stuff, killer sausages and trying to find a job.



Holidays in Greece, Peloponesian adventures, a suntan (bonza) and getting paid extortionate money to wander round Newcastle taking pictures.



More pay for skiving round Newcastle, and back to uni... ma room, eh?



Halloween! Wheeee! Guess who's the tit in trying to be a zombie in a grass skirt?



Fireworks Night at Lancaster, and the inspiration for me getting several kilotons for use at New Year. :twisted: Death, Chilli and Glory!

Posted: 2004-12-09 01:33pm
by Howedar
Liar, most of Corvallis never had more than six inches or so.

Posted: 2004-12-09 01:55pm
by El Moose Monstero
Ok, slight exaggerhation brought on by the fact that in the UK, we're lucky to get an inch, but it must have been at least 6 inches deep up on Witham Hill, plus however thick that ice layer was - first week of January, bad enough to bring down trees and cut off the power.

Posted: 2004-12-10 12:02am
by Howedar
Yes I know, I was home at the time. Lewisburg got a foot perhaps, but no place on the floor of the Valley.

*EDIT* And it fucking kicked ass :D */EDIT*