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gif movies

Posted: 2004-12-13 10:31am
by InnerBrat
OK, here's the deal. I can't try it now, as I'm on my laptop, BUT:
I want to create an animated gif movie from DVD capture. Just a short one, for an LJ icon.
I have Image ready and InterVideo DVD. Has anyone tried making movies out of these and do they flow OK?

I'll post results if I get any...

Posted: 2004-12-14 04:16pm
by InnerBrat
Gee, thanks for your input guys :P

Anyway, My first attempt:
Looks shit when reduced any further, but I wanted to see what I can do:

BTW, if you don't recognise the show, you have my pity...

Posted: 2004-12-14 04:18pm
by Zac Naloen
Paintball warriors? :?


Posted: 2004-12-14 04:24pm
by Zaia
I have no idea how to do that stuff, so I didn't think I should say anything. But go you for being awesome! Or something like that.

How's that? :D

Posted: 2004-12-14 04:45pm
by Dillon
InnerBrat wrote:Gee, thanks for your input guys :P

Anyway, My first attempt:
Looks shit when reduced any further, but I wanted to see what I can do:

BTW, if you don't recognise the show, you have my pity...
Maybe it's just Déja Vu, but that looks vaguely familiar for some reason. What show is that from?

Posted: 2004-12-14 04:47pm
by InnerBrat
observer_20000 wrote:Maybe it's just Déja Vu, but that looks vaguely familiar for some reason. What show is that from?
Spaced. The best show in the history of the world.

Posted: 2004-12-14 05:12pm
by Zac Naloen
InnerBrat wrote:
observer_20000 wrote:Maybe it's just Déja Vu, but that looks vaguely familiar for some reason. What show is that from?
Spaced. The best show in the history of the world.
i still need to buy the dvd set for that ...

i'll get round to it eventually.

Posted: 2004-12-14 09:44pm
by Chardok
I wonder if it would be possible to make an animated .gif of everyones favorite gunney... Perhaps a simple one with just his mouth moving...that could be used as an avatar...

Posted: 2004-12-14 11:26pm
by Shinova

Posted: 2004-12-15 04:39am
by InnerBrat
So how did you make those, Shinova? I went through frame by frame, capturing alternate frames, then layered them with each shot lasting 0.1 seconds and cropped and resized the whole thing together.

But I really like the last one you did. It's a lot smoother than anything I've managed.

Posted: 2004-12-15 05:30am
by Shinova
First one was the hardest to make, despite its simple appearance. What I probably should've done is use something like FRAPS to vid-capture it, but I didn't know that so I ended up beating the comp up with Neko-Arc (that character) once, print-screen, then beating another again, then print-screen. Then crop and trim each individually then put them together. Not bad for what is basically a hack job.

Second is a bunch of frame-caps with Virtual Dub. Nothing too special.

So is the third.

And the fourth, except that the first and last frames I created by hand with Photoshop. Just a black BG and text.

Everything I put together with Adobe ImageReady, except for the Electroshock massage, which I did in Corel PhotoPaint. I like ImageReady better.

Anime episodes come in like two or three frames, meaning there are two or three frames of the same picture before moving on to the next, so I deleted those extra frames accordingly.

Posted: 2004-12-15 09:21am
by InnerBrat
Virtual Dub is the media software?

I don't think mine's actually that bad, except I appear to have missed a frame somewhere. I'll now need to focus on doing something that can be resized to 100x100 and 40k...