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I was bored so I drew a Sardaukar...

Posted: 2004-12-16 10:36am
by Peregrin Toker

The thing in his right hand is supposed to be a sword. It's heavily inspired by Roman Legionnaires, but the gas mask, rebreather and gun add a futuristic touch.

Posted: 2004-12-19 09:11am
by yangja isuko
uhm....i don't think sardauker use swords :)

Posted: 2004-12-19 09:37am
by Stofsk
yangja isuko wrote:uhm....i don't think sardauker use swords :)
Yah, they do. A short sword, or long knife, but they use them. Shields, remember?

Posted: 2004-12-19 05:51pm
by Peregrin Toker
yangja isuko wrote:uhm....i don't think sardauker use swords :)
Are you kidding? The Dune Encyclopedia IIRC states explicitly that Sardaukar are some of the best swordsmen in the known universe.

Posted: 2004-12-19 06:56pm
by Lord Pounder
Peregrin Toker wrote:
yangja isuko wrote:uhm....i don't think sardauker use swords :)
Are you kidding? The Dune Encyclopedia IIRC states explicitly that Sardaukar are some of the best swordsmen in the known universe.
But not better than the Swordmasters of Ginaz. Duncan Idaho managed to kill almost a dozen of them before they got him.

Posted: 2004-12-19 11:20pm
by White Haven
At their height they were around the same as an (IIRC) 8th-level Ginaz swordmaster. Dune, however, is not them at their height, they've had time to get soft via arrogance. Not that they're pushovers, but they're not as good as they once were.

Posted: 2004-12-21 07:46am
by Stofsk
White Haven wrote:At their height they were around the same as an (IIRC) 8th-level Ginaz swordmaster. Dune, however, is not them at their height, they've had time to get soft via arrogance. Not that they're pushovers, but they're not as good as they once were.
I doubt the Sardaukar were ever THAT good with a sword anyway. I believe they were merely vicious, and had the reputation for being utterly brutal and merciless. That's why Duncan could kill a dozen of them, and why the Fremen did so well against them. It also explains why the Emperor was shitting his pants over House Atreides troopers being taught by two Swordmasters.

Posted: 2004-12-21 06:02pm
by White Haven
Can't remember which book it was in, might have been one of the new prequels. Which would explain why I can't remember, my mind has blanked that tripe clean away. Still, it was mentioned that at their height, they were as good as, IIRC, an 8th-level swordsmaster of Ginaz. Not, however, but the events of Dune, hence how everyone and their uncle walked all over them.

Posted: 2004-12-22 12:00am
by Stormbringer
Stofsk wrote:
White Haven wrote:At their height they were around the same as an (IIRC) 8th-level Ginaz swordmaster. Dune, however, is not them at their height, they've had time to get soft via arrogance. Not that they're pushovers, but they're not as good as they once were.
I doubt the Sardaukar were ever THAT good with a sword anyway. I believe they were merely vicious, and had the reputation for being utterly brutal and merciless. That's why Duncan could kill a dozen of them, and why the Fremen did so well against them. It also explains why the Emperor was shitting his pants over House Atreides troopers being taught by two Swordmasters.
I agree with you. They were not nearly as good as some individuals.

However I disagree as to why they were feared. The reason the Fremen had them and why Duncan's training (he was the only Swordmaster) was such a threat was that the Sardukar could be outclassed as a group. Until the Fremen came along there was no group that combined superior numbers and skill. It's like the US army today, some have better parts and some are bigger but none are as good taken whole.

Posted: 2004-12-22 12:36am
by Imperial Overlord
I agree with Stormbringer's assertion. From what I can remember of "Dune" the armies of other houses were described as "levies" which doesn't scream crack troops to me. The Atreides putting together a well trained, professional army was a threat to the Sardukar and the Emperor's power base so they got the axe.