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Strange Bush Image (Fake?)

Posted: 2004-12-22 06:30pm
by Jon
Warning, Bush naked (dick pixelated, luckily)

This image has been bandied about on a few other forums I visit... do you think this is real? ... gebush.jpg

I'm extremely gullible and need other people to form opinions for me.

Posted: 2004-12-22 06:33pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oh yeah, thats real alright, I can spot photoshop jobs pretty well but thats certainly real.

Posted: 2004-12-22 07:30pm
by darthdavid

Posted: 2004-12-22 09:20pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I wouldn't be surprised if it's real, but I'd like to wonder how tanked he was when they got the picture.

Posted: 2004-12-23 12:29am
by Anarchist Bunny
That looks more like Francis from Malcolm in the Middle then W.

Posted: 2004-12-23 12:53am
by McC
Not particularly inclined to give it a close inspection (*shudder*), but the first thing that I thought when seeing the image (other than "DEAR GOD!") was "That doesn't look like Bush."

Posted: 2004-12-23 01:14am
by Montcalm
McC wrote:Not particularly inclined to give it a close inspection (*shudder*), but the first thing that I thought when seeing the image (other than "DEAR GOD!") was "That doesn't look like Bush."
Exactly,i think like the Britney Spears pics,this one too is not the real guy...maybe they found a guy who look a little like GWB

Posted: 2004-12-23 02:00am
by Jon
Apart from asking the opinion of my esteemed fellow members here at, I really do not wish to persue the legitimacy of this photograph any further. I'll accept that it is real until I see evidence to the contrary.

Posted: 2004-12-23 10:38am
by Stormbringer
Jon wrote:Apart from asking the opinion of my esteemed fellow members here at, I really do not wish to persue the legitimacy of this photograph any further. I'll accept that it is real until I see evidence to the contrary.
Not a particularly wise idea. If it was genuine (as in the sense it really was our President) it might have raised some attention by now. Since it hasn't and it's not photoshopped my guess would be it's some sort of look alike.

Posted: 2004-12-23 01:49pm
by Slartibartfast
Looks like Bush to me, droopy eye included.

And what's wrong with examining it up close? You ARE comparing the faces, AREN'T you? :wtf: :mrgreen:

Posted: 2004-12-23 02:53pm
by Marksist
The neck area looks a little weird to me, I dunno.

Posted: 2004-12-23 06:53pm
by Joe
Doesn't look Bush to me. Bush's face is a bit more rounded than this guy's.

Posted: 2004-12-23 08:34pm
by RedImperator
It certainly looks like him in the face and the picture quality is right for the time period when Bush might have actually done something like this, but look at those spindly arms and legs. Bush is a pretty big guy and he was always in shape, even in his coke binge days.

And this guy's head looks disproportionately large for his body; GWB's does not.

EDIT: On closer inspection, are we SURE this isn't a photoshop job, with Bush's eyes and nose cropped onto someone else's face? Maybe I'm seeing things, but the subject's "T zone" seems to be slightly lighter than the rest of the face, and the slightly lighter patch is deliniated by perfectly straight lines.

Posted: 2004-12-24 09:52am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
That one be one helluva talented photoshopper. I can't see the difference.

And the body seems right to me, if a tiny bit... gaunt, I suppose, around the stomach. The arms seems a little thin, but that may just be me. The head isn't shaped just right...

I can't be sure. It looks like it very well could be Bush, but you'd think it could have attracted more media attention. It doesn't look like a photoshop job, and the resemblance is striking. I'm holding off judgement, but I'm inclined to say 'yes'.

Posted: 2004-12-24 11:32am
by Jon
I don't know where it came from, I found it posted on another forum I frequent... I'm sure the media at large is holding off it since they can't prove its legitimacy.

Posted: 2004-12-24 11:44am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Jon wrote:I don't know where it came from, I found it posted on another forum I frequent... I'm sure the media at large is holding off it since they can't prove its legitimacy.
*cough* DanRathercocainescandalsteppingdown*cough*

Posted: 2004-12-24 11:51am
by RedImperator
Jon wrote:I don't know where it came from, I found it posted on another forum I frequent... I'm sure the media at large is holding off it since they can't prove its legitimacy.
Or because people better at this than us have determined it's not him or it's fake.

Come on. A possible nude picture of the President of the United States turns up and NOBODY in the media says anything? Not even the tabloids? Not even Drudge? This would make blowjobgate look like a picnic if it were real.