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Some SW armors that I Drew

Posted: 2004-12-25 03:48pm
by Lord Revan
these are for SW fanfic I have

The upper row (from left to right)
  • Governor Tring’s shocktrooper armor
  • Governor Tring’s shocktrooper armor (officer)
  • Governor Tring’s shocktrooper armor (general)
  • Governor Tring’s HRD bodyguard armor
  • Governor Tring’s Personal armor
The bottom row
  • Typical sectorial militia trooper (barren world armor)
  • Typical sectorial militia trooper (standard armor)
  • (Ancient) Jedi armor (with a standard clonetrooper helmet repainted to match the rest of the armor and with purple rank markings)
The thing next to the bad guys are their typical weapons.
Use this if the thumbnail doesn't work

Posted: 2004-12-26 07:25am
by Comosicus
Just a big red X for me :(

Posted: 2004-12-26 07:52am
by Lord Revan
Comosicus wrote:Just a big red X for me :(
It has to be something with the server as I can't see it either.

Posted: 2004-12-26 08:12am
by Lord Revan
Could somebody host this for me so that people can see it (I can E-mail the orginal pic to anybody who's willing to help).

Posted: 2004-12-26 04:49pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo

Posted: 2004-12-26 05:49pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Image Shack Takes 10 seconds to upload.

Posted: 2004-12-27 04:17am
by Lord Revan
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Image Shack Takes 10 seconds to upload.
I use it already and it's working again

Posted: 2004-12-28 01:26pm
by Lord Revan
It should work now (I hope), could I now get some comment on the pic please.
