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Posts related to the Official Member Pic Thread

Posted: 2004-12-25 11:51pm
by PainRack
There are to be no comments in the pic only thread and they have been moved here-Bean

And Evil has a new name.........

Cool pics AV.

Posted: 2004-12-28 06:57am
by Chardok
Hmm....I pictured AV as being a white James Earl Jones...

Posted: 2004-12-28 07:51am
by CDS
Chardok wrote:Hmm....I pictured AV as being a white James Earl Jones...
Bah, he's never as tough as he makes himself out to be! ;)

Posted: 2004-12-28 07:09pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Chardok wrote:Hmm....I pictured AV as being a white James Earl Jones...
Sorry to disappoint. I was hoping God'd endow me with a musclebound body, powerful brain and a set of sexual organs to tire any woman on the planet out. But life's a shit.

Posted: 2004-12-28 07:37pm
by Zaia
Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Chardok wrote:Hmm....I pictured AV as being a white James Earl Jones...
Sorry to disappoint. I was hoping God'd endow me with a musclebound body, powerful brain and a set of sexual organs to tire any woman on the planet out. But life's a shit.
Oh stop it, you're perfectly adorable, which is more attractive than musclebound. :P

Posted: 2004-12-28 07:46pm
by Admiral Valdemar
*Reconsiders moving to the sewer in shame*

Oh, well if Lady Z so says it, then it must be true. I'm loved again!

Glad you feel better. *grins and winks*


Posted: 2004-12-28 07:54pm
by CDS
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Oh, well if Lady Z so says it, then it must be true. I'm loved again!
Oy! Bet theres plenty of people who find you attractive!! :P

Posted: 2004-12-28 08:15pm
by Admiral Valdemar
CDS wrote: Oy! Bet theres plenty of people who find you attractive!! :P
Oh yeah? Who? :P

Posted: 2004-12-28 08:18pm
by CDS
Can't be telling you that, now ;)

Posted: 2004-12-29 07:13am
by Chardok
OH, don't get me wrong, AV, You're a good lookin' guy and all, I just for some reason had it in my head that you were...menacing looking, when in all actuality, you are no more imposing or menacing than I am. well, okay, maybe you're a little more menacing, given your sharp intellect and vast biochemical and pathological knowledge...but to know that would require interaction, whereas I am just a big, ugly, grouchy, crotchety old Crudgemudgeon.

Posted: 2004-12-29 07:21am
by Ace Pace
Mitth, you broke the page on a 1200X1000 resolution monitor, mind linking that?

Posted: 2004-12-29 07:22am
by Ghost Rider
Guys...ah fuck it...just not having it stickied since this was just supposed to be just pictures, no comments.

Posted: 2004-12-29 07:24am
by Ghost Rider
Also like the original said...this is for no real inlining.

But just as addendum...comment away since the other except the "Self Portrait" are locked.


So make comments pertaining to pictures.

Posted: 2004-12-31 04:03am
by darthdavid
You're very different looking than i pictured you rouge...

Posted: 2004-12-31 04:48am
by Rogue 9
darthdavid wrote:You're very different looking than i pictured you rogue...
Dare I ask?

Posted: 2004-12-31 05:24am
by Ace Pace
darthdavid wrote:You're very different looking than i pictured you rouge...
Same, I was imagining.. something more... I don't know how to explain it.

Posted: 2004-12-31 11:37am
by Ghost Rider
Rob Wilson wrote:
Stofsk wrote:I like your superhero pose there, Dennis. :D :lol:
Yep, he's actually resting his arms on an Invisible Jessica Alba. :wink:
Right on top of her kneeling head :wink: .

And that's right, he did at the Ruby's. I still love how that one short yet brief change of direction because of Skayhan being held hostage by a Drunk Cuban costed us so much time...but was at least an interesting side trip :P .

Posted: 2004-12-31 11:39am
by Stofsk
Rob Wilson wrote:
Stofsk wrote:I like your superhero pose there, Dennis. :D :lol:
Yep, he's actually resting his arms on an Invisible Jessica Alba. :wink:
His name is Ghost Rider, yet he has glasses and did Chem, so I want to call him Mr Fantastic, but he also has the black overcoat thing going on, so I want to call him Neo too... :)

Posted: 2004-12-31 11:53am
by Ghost Rider
The funniest none of these pic demonstrate your paleness of your ultra sexay legs :P .

Though that may blind the unintiated.

Posted: 2004-12-31 12:00pm
by Rob Wilson
Ghost Rider wrote:The funniest none of these pic demonstrate your paleness of your ultra sexay legs :P .

Though that may blind the unintiated.
It's bad enough I'm shattering their monitors with my ugly mug, you want I should burn out their retina's as well?

Posted: 2004-12-31 12:28pm
by Rob Wilson
Hotfoot wrote:Meanwhile, another, less earth-shattering, meeting occured recently. Bugsby and InnocentBystander were involved as well, but they didn't show up until later.

terrible trio
From Left to Right
Hotfoot - Cameron
Marcao - Alan
Thirdfain - Terry

And this one was just too precious not to post :twisted:
Marcao's horns of triumph
Hey Alan shaved his beard. He looks totally different without it.

Poor old Thirdfain, he looks like a prisoner between 2 guards there, and smiling guards at that... never a good sign. :twisted:

I presume this was an RPG meet. How'd it go? There a thread in Gaming?

Posted: 2004-12-31 12:33pm
by Hotfoot
Rob Wilson wrote:Hey Alan shaved his beard. He looks totally different without it.
Yeah, like a hispanic Dave Matthews, I keep saying.
Poor old Thirdfain, he looks like a prisoner between 2 guards there, and smiling guards at that... never a good sign. :twisted:
I presume this was an RPG meet. How'd it go?
Actually, it was just a holiday get-together. Alan's up in NYC, I'm usually off at school, as are Thirdfain and the others. We got together to hang out, do some LAN gaming, and shoot the shit. There have been rumblings for an RPG meet over the summer break though, so I'll have to see if I can come through on that regard. ;)

Posted: 2004-12-31 01:12pm
by Hotfoot
Rob Wilson wrote:Good, I'll enjoy a new burst of Vicarious RPGing... which would be pretending to pretend to be someone else by proxy. My head hurts, how fucked up is my life right now? :P
Hey man, places to go, people to be. ;) If you want a fairly recent dose, there are two games I'm currently in, one I'm running, and the other I'm just a player in. If you check the best gaming quotes thread in G&C, you'll find a few quotes from those games (and a few others). Knighthawk is my roomie, and he runs the other game.
How's school treating you?
Well as can be expected I suppose, meaning brutal, but hey, it wouldn't be fun any other way, right? ;)

Posted: 2004-12-31 01:20pm
by Rob Wilson
Hotfoot wrote:Hey man, places to go, people to be. ;) If you want a fairly recent dose, there are two games I'm currently in, one I'm running, and the other I'm just a player in. If you check the best gaming quotes thread in G&C, you'll find a few quotes from those games (and a few others). Knighthawk is my roomie, and he runs the other game.
I'll have to look them up then. :D
Hotfoot wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:How's school treating you?
Well as can be expected I suppose, meaning brutal, but hey, it wouldn't be fun any other way, right? ;)
At least you have the holidays right now. Eat, Drink, Fuck and be Merry for tomorrow you learn. :P

Posted: 2004-12-31 01:33pm
by Hotfoot
Rob Wilson wrote:I'll have to look them up then. :D
Big time! BIG TIME!
At least you have the holidays right now. Eat, Drink, Fuck and be Merry for tomorrow you learn. :P
And have Jury Duty on my birthday, but yeah. ;)