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Some Constructive Criticism

Posted: 2005-01-04 11:20am
by Rob Wilson
Well Alan Bolte seems to think that this :
Alan Bolte wrote: Honestly, I can't think of something you could have done differently for that pic that wouldn't have looked better, outside maybe shaving your head and wearing loose-fitting camo. I try to be constructive, but...damn.
Is somehow constructive criticism for how Lusyanka looked in a picture.
So in that vein, here's a pic of Alan

So please feel free to Constructively criticise the Speccy-faced little nerd.

Posted: 2005-01-04 11:35am
by Stofsk
Wow. I've never met anyone with a smile that looked so dead and souless. You might want to work on that, kiddo. Plus what is that thing you've done to your face? And the pale skin is a real turnoff, just so you know. I would recommend a tan, but that probably wouldn't help at all. What would make the scene a complete setpiece is if you were in a cubicle officespace, surrounded by piles of paper and shit no-one wants to do. On the wall is calendar of playboy chicks, to give you fucking hope. I try to be constructive, but... damn.

Posted: 2005-01-04 11:48am
by Dalton
I remember seeing some other picture of him where his horrible acne showed clean through.

Posted: 2005-01-04 11:50am
by Stravo
Salvation Army called - they want their shirt back.

Posted: 2005-01-04 12:01pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Stofsk wrote:Wow. I've never met anyone with a smile that looked so dead and souless. You might want to work on that, kiddo. Plus what is that thing you've done to your face? And the pale skin is a real turnoff, just so you know. I would recommend a tan, but that probably wouldn't help at all. What would make the scene a complete setpiece is if you were in a cubicle officespace, surrounded by piles of paper and shit no-one wants to do. On the wall is calendar of playboy chicks, to give you fucking hope. I try to be constructive, but... damn.
Don't worry too much on him, Stofsk. After several days of "KAN's Mental Conditioning Program" (TM), he would actually show more lifesigns and his skin would look more healthy. There's no way I would be responsible for the side effects, though.....

Re: Some Constructive Criticism

Posted: 2005-01-04 12:06pm
by Rob Wilson
Really, if your going to go for the Bull-Dyke look, you need to add another 20-30 pounds, get some tattoo's, some piercings and look a hell of a lot more masculine. I try to be constructive.... but Damn!

Re: Some Constructive Criticism

Posted: 2005-01-04 12:20pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Rob Wilson wrote:Really, if your going to go for the Bull-Dyke look, you need to add another 20-30 pounds, get some tattoo's, some piercings and look a hell of a lot more masculine. I try to be constructive.... but Damn!
Rob, it IS constructive as long as you let *ME* doing the piercing on him......

Posted: 2005-01-04 01:27pm
by Darth Wong
Wow, that's a hell of a picture. That's the kid who was still getting beat up for his lunch money in high school.

PS. perhaps we should rename him "Albino Bolte".

Posted: 2005-01-04 01:29pm
by Uraniun235
Alan looks very reminiscent of a friend of mine who works at Fry's, compulsively lies about how computers work and how to diagnose problems, broke up with his long-time girlfriend out of fucking nowhere for no apparent reason, and lives in an apartment where a half-eaten pizza was once left out for three months among other piles of squalor. From the shit-eating grin to the overgrown eyebrows and thinning hair, all the way to that bizarrely striped shirt, it's all there.

Posted: 2005-01-04 02:42pm
by salm
he looks like this woman who sells meat at a butcher´s shop in the town where my parents live. honestly.

Posted: 2005-01-04 02:44pm
by Chardok softball much?

Posted: 2005-01-04 03:07pm
by Companion Cube
I'm guessing this came from the 'What do you look like?' thread. :)

Posted: 2005-01-04 03:24pm
by Dalton
3rd Impact wrote:I'm guessing this came from the 'What do you look like?' thread. :)
Self-portrait thread.

Posted: 2005-01-04 03:53pm
by Dillon
Someone should post it at hotornot. See how it does.

I wonder if it'll beat my attempt to get as low a rating as possible. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-04 04:51pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Honestly, I can't think of something he could have done differently for that pic that wouldn't have looked better and made him recognizably male.

Posted: 2005-01-04 05:14pm
by Lord Pounder
Thats the kinda picture you see on CNN. With the caption "Serial Killer At Large" written under it.

Posted: 2005-01-04 05:47pm
by NecronLord
I would join in the mocking, but having posted my abominable picture here not so long back, and being far from movie-star hansome myself, I fear someone might dig it up.

Thus, Alan, I choose to mock your general crapassitude rather than looks.

Posted: 2005-01-04 05:53pm
by Enigma
For some reason Alan reminds me of Joe from Blue's Clues.

I too am not going to mock Alan on the basis of his appearance because I do not think that I look any better. What I do not appreciate is his insult to Lusyanka.

Posted: 2005-01-04 05:57pm
by Lord Pounder
Hell i'm not the best looking either but when a fucknut who looks like that feels the needs to critisise another member over their looks he gets what he deserves.

Posted: 2005-01-04 06:05pm
by NecronLord
And that is a spectacularly tragic and pitiful shirt.

Posted: 2005-01-04 07:55pm
by Big Phil
That was a pretty low blow, although her response "That's ok. I'm used to people insulting my appearance. It doesn't hurt me.... really," kind of got to me. It sounds like she has to deal with assholes like this all too often...

In the words of the immortal Mr. T: "I pity the fool who derives self confidence by making fun of others."

Posted: 2005-01-05 02:16am
by Lusankya
Hey, cool it guys. It took me a while, but I've learnt to ignore dickheads like that.

Thanks for jumping in on my side, but I was just trying to screw with his head.

Posted: 2005-01-05 04:21am
by Lusankya
Oh, and could the mods please lock this? I didn't ask for it and it really is unnecessary.

Have a very nice day.


Posted: 2005-01-05 04:59am
After the last run-in with a chauvinist dick, people've developed a bit of a protective attitude. Really, it just ruins the fun for everyone that is acting with appropriate decorum.

Posted: 2005-01-05 07:17am
by Ghost Rider
Lus is asking this to be closed and honestly that is her perogative.

If anyone wants to read shit for brains "apology"...go here.
