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One Big Ass Rock

Posted: 2005-01-10 11:31pm
by Wicked Pilot

Yep, that's one big ass rock. Glad to see no one's car is under it. At least I hope no one's car is under it.

Posted: 2005-01-11 01:40am
by Howedar
Is that a joke?

Posted: 2005-01-11 02:22am
by Comosicus
It looks pretty real to me :roll:

Posted: 2005-01-11 02:46am
by Crayz9000
I saw some of the footage they've been shooting down at Malibu and the other coastal areas. Things are getting hammered pretty hard, so yes, I can believe that picture.

Posted: 2005-01-11 03:41am
I betcha even THAT did more damage than the Borg torpedoes in First Contact.

Posted: 2005-01-11 07:01am
by Chardok
YEp. WP dropping Mk. 82's onto roadsides. Good shot, WP. you missed the road and hit the wall of rock next to it. I'll drive slower next time. Make it a bit easier for you. *not* AAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Posted: 2005-01-11 07:08am
by weemadando
Wheeee! My ICBT (Inter-Continental Ballistic Trebuchet) has its first succesful test firing! Soon I shall have weapons with ranges capable of reaching the west coast of the US and accuracy enough to take out Michael Bay as he sits drinking his morning decaf, non-dairy, latte.

Posted: 2005-01-11 07:15am
by Chardok
weemadando wrote:Wheeee! My ICBT (Inter-Continental Ballistic Trebuchet) has its first succesful test firing! Soon I shall have weapons with ranges capable of reaching the west coast of the US and accuracy enough to take out Michael Bay as he sits drinking his morning decaf, non-dairy, latte.
now THAT...*snicker* is some funny shit right THAY-UH! LOL!!

Posted: 2005-01-11 08:51am
by Col. Crackpot
weemadando wrote:Wheeee! My ICBT (Inter-Continental Ballistic Trebuchet) has its first succesful test firing! Soon I shall have weapons with ranges capable of reaching the west coast of the US and accuracy enough to take out Michael Bay as he sits drinking his morning decaf, non-dairy, latte.

speaking of which, i do recall a certain rock launched from Mars that hit the EU and SOMEONE didn't bother to tell us what happened next. Hmmm, who could that be.

Posted: 2005-01-11 10:07am
by Wicked Pilot
Howedar wrote:Is that a joke?
No, it's from the recent California mudslides.


Posted: 2005-01-11 10:44am
by Montcalm
Rolling Stone went down the hill,and missed the Ferrari :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-11 11:38am
by Robert Walper
SPOOFE wrote:I betcha even THAT did more damage than the Borg torpedoes in First Contact.
*grumbles* Son of don't know what you're talking about. :P :wink:

Posted: 2005-01-11 07:29pm
by weemadando
Col. Crackpot wrote:
weemadando wrote:Wheeee! My ICBT (Inter-Continental Ballistic Trebuchet) has its first succesful test firing! Soon I shall have weapons with ranges capable of reaching the west coast of the US and accuracy enough to take out Michael Bay as he sits drinking his morning decaf, non-dairy, latte.

speaking of which, i do recall a certain rock launched from Mars that hit the EU and SOMEONE didn't bother to tell us what happened next. Hmmm, who could that be.
Hey! I've been busy - but I can safely say that in the next few months, follow ups to Dark Dawns, A Bond of Faith and TK421...

Thats in between starting writing for a gaming site, increased hours of production and hopefully getting a PR position with the radio station - and of course playing through a backlog of about 20 PC games.

Posted: 2005-01-11 11:16pm
That rock is about ten miles away from my house. They had to close down a huge stretch of Topanga Canyon for a couple of weeks, and they're gonna have to blow it up since no truck can carry it.

Man. Lotsa mudslides today. We went up to the top of Stunt Road and got a HUGE slide from atop there. I'll get pictures posted as soon as they're online...

Posted: 2005-01-12 01:45pm
by Lord Poe
SPOOFE wrote:That rock is about ten miles away from my house. They had to close down a huge stretch of Topanga Canyon for a couple of weeks, and they're gonna have to blow it up since no truck can carry it.
I saw them blow it apart on the news. Is there any info anywhere on how much TNT it took to crack that rock in half?

Posted: 2005-01-12 02:49pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Heh, imagine that rock hitting the road at 15 km/s.

Posted: 2005-01-12 02:50pm
by Crayz9000
Lord Poe wrote:I saw them blow it apart on the news. Is there any info anywhere on how much TNT it took to crack that rock in half?
Well, they said that they used as little as possible to prevent rock fragments from flying all over the area.

Posted: 2005-01-13 09:17am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
It was on the front page of my paper. Must be a slow news week.