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Christian Songs (that you have written)

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:28pm
by JeanLucPicard
Here are a couple of the songs I've written:

My first song:

These Trials
By Joshua Slone, Copyright 2004 Joshua Slone

I’m sittin’ at my desk, working on my math
I can’t seem to get this problem; I just can’t figure it out
My sisters are botherin’ me, I’m losin’ patience fast
But I know there’s a lesson in this, I just need to figure it out

And I need to take these trials, and listen to what God says
I need to be refined; I need to be strengthened
These trials will teach me, they’ll teach me how to live
I want them to teach me, I want to be like Christ

And I’m mowin’ my front lawn, when my mower runs out of gas
In utter frustration, I kick and swear and dance
Then I stop myself, and drop down to my knees
“Lord help me to live, to live as Jesus would”

And I need to take these trials, and listen to what God says
I need to be refined; I need to be strengthened
These trials will teach me, they’ll teach me how to live
I want them to teach me, I want to be like Christ

And I’m sittin’ in my church, and my mind is wand’ring off
Thinkin’ about my troubles, trying to think up plans
I know I need to trust God, but gets so very hard
I need to put my faith, in the One who has control

And I need to take these trials, and listen to what God says
I need to be refined; I need to be strengthened
These trials will teach me, they’ll teach me how to live
I want them to teach me, I want to be like Christ

And I’m losin’ all my rounds, in my speech and debate club
I getting’ quite discouraged, I don’t know what to do
I’ve been doin’ everything right, but it still won’t work out
I think I really need, a dose of humility

And I need to take these trials, and listen to what God says
I need to be refined; I need to be strengthened
These trials will teach me, they’ll teach me how to live
I want them to teach me, I want to be like Christ
Oh I want to be like Christ; Yes I want to be, like Christ

My Favorite song:

Casting Crowns
By Joshua Slone, Copyright Ó 2004 Joshua Slone

I am here before the great Judge of all
Wondering why I am still alive
Then all of a sudden I have a crown on my head
Signifying His love for me, and proclaiming me as a child of His

And I cast my crown before God Above
Sayin’ “I don’t deserve this act of love”
Then He picks me up and says to me
“You are my child and I love you, oh you are my child and I love you”

And as I ponder what God has just said to me
Another crown appears upon my head
With the emblem of God’s chosen engraved upon it
Stating that I have a future with him, in glory forevermore

But I cast my crown before God Above
Insisting “I don’t deserve this act of love”
But He draws me close and speaks to me
“You are my child and I love you, yes you are my child and I love you”

But I still cannot comprehend it all
Why God would give his grace to me
Even though I have committed ten million sins
I still have a crown on my head; yes I still have a crown on my head

And I cast my crowns before God Above
Sayin’ “I don’t deserve this act of love”
But He picks me up and says to me
“You are my child and I love you, oh yes you are my child and I love you”

Oh God how could you have mercy on me
When I was the one who crucified you
You should banish me to eternal death
Rather than put a crown on my head

And I’m casting my crowns before God Above
And sayin’ “I don’t deserve this act of love”
But yet He picks me up and says to me
“You are my child and I love you, yes you are my child and I love you”
And I pick my crowns up and put them on
Accepting God’s living, redeeming love
Then He smiles at me and says again
“You are my child and I love you, yes you are my child and I love you”
“You are my child and I love you, yes you are my child and I love you”

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:30pm
by Ghost Rider
Music goes to it's own forum.

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:31pm
by Howedar
I don't write music.

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:33pm
by JeanLucPicard
Howedar wrote:I don't write music.
Bummer, you should try. I've found its a lot of fun and it lets off steam.

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:34pm
by Robert Walper
Ghost Rider wrote:Music goes to it's own forum.
Whoops! My bad there. He asked me where to post lyrics for his songs, I said "Off Topic". Forgot the A&P forum including music...

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:36pm
by Col. Crackpot
Jesus music?

yea, you'll blend in here ....


Posted: 2005-01-13 05:52pm
by Dalton
Man did you back the wrong horse. We're like 75% heathen here.

Posted: 2005-01-13 05:59pm
by Durandal
Col. Crackpot wrote:Jesus music?

yea, you'll blend in here ....

This is better than Vincent Gambini getting a pair of cowboy boots so he could blend into Alabama culture.

Posted: 2005-01-13 06:17pm
by JeanLucPicard
Durandal wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:Jesus music?

yea, you'll blend in here ....

This is better than Vincent Gambini getting a pair of cowboy boots so he could blend into Alabama culture.
*doesn't get the analogy*

Posted: 2005-01-13 06:38pm
by jegs2
Dalton wrote:Man did you back the wrong horse. We're like 75% heathen here.
Well, there are a couple of other "Jesus Freaks" around...

Posted: 2005-01-13 06:48pm
by Petrosjko
Oh oh, here's mine.

Sung to the tune of No Particular Place to Go by Chuck Berry.
Cruisin' along in my F-22

Cruisin' along in my F-22
God is my copilot, he's the real deal
Engine flamed out, things got wild
My pants filled, pretty vile
Screamin'and cryin' on the radio,
Uh oh, looks like down is where I'll go!

Cruisin' on down in my F-22
I's thinkin' this is a real shitty deal
So I told God all real and sincere
'God, get my ass outta here'
Snickerin' and laughin' and God go
"Tough shit, assmonkey; you blow"

Posted: 2005-01-13 06:51pm
by Stravo
Alrigth alright. Let's cool it with the mockery here. The thread is clearly seperate from his other assclownish behavior in the other ones (but DAMN was that funny Petrosjko) so can we limit ourselves to making commentary to the thread on hand. This is skirting close to stalking people from thread to thread so let's ease off a bit shall we?

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:07pm
by Superman
Look Jesus boy, you're probably the only one here who writes... ahem Christian music, but allow me to introduce you to a little ditty I wrote some time ago. I can't remember a few of the verses, but you'll get the idea.

Boner (to be sung to The Kinks' "Lola")

"Well I don't acquant with girls and I don' know, and I don't go to parties, I stay at home - I'm a loner L-O-N-ER Loner.

But I saw her out there alone on the street, her body was built, I looked at my meat - I had a boner B-O-N-E-R boner, bo bo bo bo boner.

She said, "Hey boy won't you come inside, and when I walked inside, I felt my pants rise into a boner. Bo bo bo bo boner.

We sat at the bar and I bought her a drink, and she glanced at my pants, and she said, "I think you've got a boner." Bo bo bo boner. Bo bo bo bo boner.


Well I could feel the blood run through my sack and I could feel the cloth stretch in my slacks..."

Yeah, I can't remember the rest of it. Stay tuned and I'll write a song about my lord Satan for you.

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:10pm
by JeanLucPicard
Superman wrote:Look Jesus boy, you're probably the only one here who writes... ahem Christian music, but allow me to introduce you to a little ditty I wrote some time ago. I can't remember a few of the verses, but you'll get the idea.

Boner (to be sung to The Kinks' "Lola")

"Well I don't acquant with girls and I don' know, and I don't go to parties, I stay at home - I'm a loner L-O-N-ER Loner.

But I saw her out there alone on the street, her body was built, I looked at my meat - I had a boner B-O-N-E-R boner, bo bo bo bo boner.

She said, "Hey boy won't you come inside, and when I walked inside, I felt my pants rise into a boner. Bo bo bo bo boner.

We sat at the bar and I bought her a drink, and she glanced at my pants, and she said, "I think you've got a boner." Bo bo bo boner. Bo bo bo bo boner.


Well I could feel the blood run through my sack and I could feel the cloth stretch in my slacks..."

Yeah, I can't remember the rest of it. Stay tuned and I'll write a song about my lord Satan for you.
Mods, please delete this. This thread is for Christian songs only. I want this one in particular deleted because of its nature. So please delete it.

Thank you!

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:14pm
by Superman
Petro didn't write a 'Christian' song. And besides, I say that whenever you get a boner, that's evidence of God right there.

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:22pm
by Petrosjko
This'll be my last comment on this thread, and if Strav or another mod feels that my 'song' should be deleted, I have no objections.

But damn it, it is a Christian song. It's from my soon-to-be-released album 'God is My Copilot (And the Mofo just Bailed Out)'*.

*Credit to Chmee for the album title. He'll be getting a dedication in the liner notes.

Edit- And I do apologize to the board and to JLP for breaking the Vendetta rule.

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:23pm
by Superman
Yeah, me too.

You can delete my song, but you shall never delete my boner! Freedom!

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:25pm
by Stravo
No one's deleting anything. However respect the wishes of the thread creator and let's limit this to Christian music you've written yourself and any criticism of said written music since the way I see things if you want to showcase your talent you should expect to hear some criticism on that talent.

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:44pm
by darthdavid
The power of christ compells this penis to become erect!!!

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:52pm
by Satan
darthdavid wrote:The power of christ compells this penis to become erect!!!

Christ? no his jurisdiction ends at the ballsack. The cock is my department.


Posted: 2005-01-13 07:59pm
by Ghost Rider's nice to see idiots not grasping what Stravo posted two post above this garbage.

So locking it goes, because people think it's funny to me-too like bitches.