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Miniature Pics

Posted: 2005-01-14 01:28am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
So I got a digital camera and started fooling around with it... the results weren't too pretty, but I did manage to salvage a couple. I'm still experimenting with lighting so get more recognizable photos taken, but I did get one decent shot of two minis:

My first decent pic, as it wasn't focussed on any detail. Mostly I was just fucking around in GIMP as a 'proof of concept' type thing.

And here's the Colonel from the previous crappy pic with the regimental standard bearer:

Posted: 2005-01-15 04:15pm
by Pick
Woah, brilliant! I never had much of a penchant for minis personally, but they're really awesome. Nice pictures! Helpful comments :D

Posted: 2005-01-15 08:36pm
by Tasoth
Holy McCrap! Looks like GW got you for a thousand bucks....

Posted: 2005-01-16 06:42am
by 2000AD
I'd post some pics of my Tau but they're in dire need of some Earth Caste medics with superglue.

Posted: 2005-01-16 02:28pm
by White Haven
Hmm...this motivates me to get off my ass and back to painting my BT stuff. I've got a Marauder 2 I need to paint up in unit colors for the campaign anyway, and a Kimagure as a joke.

Posted: 2005-01-17 11:50pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Left to right: Vox guy, medic, plasma gunner, Commissar, standard bearer, Colonel, and my Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord.


Posted: 2005-01-19 05:32pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Excellent minis. I love the GW minis, though I'm more into BFGothic myself. Someday I really will have to find someone with a scanner and take advantage of them so I can post my pics...

Anyway, you did a very good job painting the little teeny-tiny little details on them and I really like the tank and the colonel. The red painted newspaper adds the perfect 40k atmosphere--a blood-splashed terrain of horrors. More pics, please!

Posted: 2005-01-20 08:27am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Excellent minis. I love the GW minis, though I'm more into BFGothic myself. Someday I really will have to find someone with a scanner and take advantage of them so I can post my pics...

Anyway, you did a very good job painting the little teeny-tiny little details on them and I really like the tank and the colonel. The red painted newspaper adds the perfect 40k atmosphere--a blood-splashed terrain of horrors. More pics, please!
Thanks. The newspaper is red because that's where I mixed Terracotta Brown and Bubonic Brown to paint the muddy areas of all my trenches and bunkers (not pictured). The stupid lighting really obscured the detail and throws some of the colors off (the camo scheme looks much darker and more bland in person, which is the idea of course), and out of all the pics I've taken these are the only ones that have come out remotely recognizable.

I'll try to grab some shots of my Ork Warboss and Honorifica Imperialis Sarge on the actual gaming table, which may yield better quality pics.

Posted: 2005-01-20 06:06pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Believe me, I understand the problems photographing mini models. I do all of my kitbashing in the micromachines scale. :D (My pictures look like out of focus snapshots of blurry blobs.)

Besides, even if the pics did mess up your paintschemes, they still look better than mine. :P

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:38am
by 2000AD
Cower before Inquisitor Sighard von Riffenstein less you wish to face imperial justice!


Posted: 2005-01-21 11:49am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm sure purple and yellow and green is all the rage amongst the Ordo Fruitus but I'll stick with my Malleus red/gold and black. :P

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:55am
by 2000AD
JediNeophyte wrote:I'm sure purple and yellow and green is all the rage amongst the Ordo Fruitus but I'll stick with my Malleus red/gold and black. :P
Radical doesn't just apply to his philosophy you know.

Posted: 2005-01-21 05:32pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
2000AD wrote:Cower before Inquisitor Sighard von Riffenstein less you wish to face imperial justice!

I like the painting you did in terms of getting the colors on all the details right and making them look smooth and rich, but I have to ask about the color scheme...

Why is he fighting with a plastic He-Man sword and a watergun?

Doesn't anything on his planet come in military colors?

Posted: 2005-01-21 06:48pm
by White Haven
Ordo Fraternitas

Nuff said.

Posted: 2005-01-22 06:41am
by 2000AD
Bob the Gunslinger wrote: Why is he fighting with a plastic He-Man sword and a watergun?
Plastic He-man sword? That is the legendary Sword of Torgmanous, thought to be a blessed and holy weapon but in reality is a sword containing the deamon K'z'K, who gets more powerful with each drop of blood spiled, inspired by various plot points nicked from Sluggy Frelance! :D

And watergun? Are you talking about the bolt pistol on his shoulder or the shotgun on his back? Pah, watergun in deed! Just becuse you use the emperor's blessed water against one deamon it stays with you all your career!

And whats wrong with purple and dark green armour?

Posted: 2005-01-22 06:04pm
by Tasoth
2000AD wrote: And whats wrong with purple and dark green armour?
Nothing, its the electric blue and 'AH MY EYES!' Yellow....

Posted: 2005-01-22 06:25pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I used to have a carnifex, some rangers and some scouts but I got too good at painting camoline....

Posted: 2005-01-22 06:51pm
by Rogue 9
2000AD wrote:
Bob the Gunslinger wrote: Why is he fighting with a plastic He-Man sword and a watergun?
Plastic He-man sword? That is the legendary Sword of Torgmanous, thought to be a blessed and holy weapon but in reality is a sword containing the deamon K'z'K, who gets more powerful with each drop of blood spiled, inspired by various plot points nicked from Sluggy Frelance! :D

And watergun? Are you talking about the bolt pistol on his shoulder or the shotgun on his back? Pah, watergun in deed! Just becuse you use the emperor's blessed water against one deamon it stays with you all your career!

And whats wrong with purple and dark green armour?
It was Lord Torgamous. And K'z'k is in the sword?!? :shock:

Posted: 2005-01-22 07:07pm
by The Yosemite Bear
beware of Sister Zoe, Psycher Gwen, and Vindecore assasin Oasis....

Posted: 2005-01-23 09:18am
by 2000AD
Rogue 9 wrote: It was Lord Torgamous. And K'z'k is in the sword?!? :shock:
Well i didn't want to completely steal the idea, so i changed some things.
Torgmanous was an inquisitor who bound the deamon K'z'K to the sword and used it to banish loads of other deamons, before K'z'K managed to drive him insane. The sword passed into legend and was portrayed as a holy weapon.
Inquisitor Riffenstein tracked down the sword and was shocked to find it was a deamon weapon, thus turning him towards the Xanthite philosophy, though he's currently a Xanthite-Amalathian, not giving completely to the Xanthite theory and still fighting the good fight as good as he can.

The sword acts like Torgmanous's sword though. As it gets more blood it gets more powerful, the downside being as it gets more powerful it's more likely to eat Riffenstein's brain!

Posted: 2005-01-23 09:19am
by 2000AD
The Yosemite Bear wrote:beware of Sister Zoe, Psycher Gwen, and Vindecore assasin Oasis....
I'd expect Oasis to be more of an Eversor