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My Scars

Posted: 2005-01-16 08:50pm
by Aaron
Thought it was past time that I posted pics of my various injuries.


My feet, if you look close you can see the scars and the missing toe on the left foot.


The top of my right forearm.


The bottom of my right forearm.

There are a mulitude of other scars but they require the help of another person to photograph.

Posted: 2005-01-16 08:52pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Holy shit. What happened to your arm, and why is it such an odd shape?

Posted: 2005-01-16 08:59pm
by Aaron
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:Holy shit. What happened to your arm, and why is it such an odd shape?
I was electocuted in 99. The odd shape is from a flap graft where they sew your arm into your hip for 6 weeks and grow the skin onto your arm. And they big gouges are from a procedure designed to relieve the pressure on an injury and save your hand from amputation.

Posted: 2005-01-16 09:12pm
by Zaia
That looks like it took a very, very, very long time to heal. :-(

Posted: 2005-01-16 09:14pm
by Aaron
Zaia wrote:That looks like it took a very, very, very long time to heal. :-(
About a year in total.

Posted: 2005-01-16 09:46pm
by Pick
:( Egads, that looks like it was incredibly painful. I'm very sorry to see that you had to go through such an ordeal.

Posted: 2005-01-16 10:04pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Shit, man, that looks horrible. A year to heal? Jesus, I'm one lucky son o a bitch.

Posted: 2005-01-16 10:43pm
by Master of Ossus
Ouch. I had known about your injuries before, but seeing them really makes it more real, somehow. I'm glad they managed to save your hand, though. Good thing for medical science.

Posted: 2005-01-17 06:20pm
by Aaron
Master of Ossus wrote:Ouch. I had known about your injuries before, but seeing them really makes it more real, somehow. I'm glad they managed to save your hand, though. Good thing for medical science.
Indeed, after I was hurt the surgeon told me that he couldn't gaurentee that I would ever be able to use it again. But I have about 70% range of motion and I can lift up to 5kg with it!

Posted: 2005-01-17 06:46pm
by salm
was that incompetent lt punished adequately?

Posted: 2005-01-17 07:31pm
by Aaron
salm wrote:was that incompetent lt punished adequately?
I think he got a reprimand, which is pretty light considering that a man was killed in the incident.

Posted: 2005-01-17 07:42pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Cpl Kendall wrote:I think he got a reprimand, which is pretty light considering that a man was killed in the incident.
:shock: What happened, exactly?

Posted: 2005-01-17 07:55pm
by Elheru Aran
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:
Cpl Kendall wrote:I think he got a reprimand, which is pretty light considering that a man was killed in the incident.
:shock: What happened, exactly?
Lightning hit a transformer he was working on or something... had fourth-degree burns on his arms/hands, IIRC. A pretty severe boom, from what I recall reading about it on SDN-- but i'm sure the Corp can give a better recounting...

Posted: 2005-01-17 08:01pm
by Master of Ossus
Cpl Kendall wrote:Indeed, after I was hurt the surgeon told me that he couldn't gaurentee that I would ever be able to use it again. But I have about 70% range of motion and I can lift up to 5kg with it!
That's excellent. I can't tell you how sorry I am that this happened, but I'm very glad that it didn't turn out worse.

Posted: 2005-01-17 09:54pm
by Aaron
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote: :shock: What happened, exactly?
The short version is that a radio mast hit a powerline which then energised the truck,trailer and building that we were against.