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Am I sad?

Posted: 2005-01-21 03:43pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Ok, on my snazzy little mp3 player which I almost always have with me, I have a folder entitled "Imperial March". In said folder I have 4 different version of the March. I dont think there is anything wrong with this, but a lot of my friends find it very, very sad. What do you think?

Posted: 2005-01-21 04:15pm
by YT300000
Lets see... what do I have...

The Imperial March (and all the tracks that it appeared in)
Ultra Bass remix
Leviathan and Rage remixes (Force Commander tracks)
Tie Fighter Theme (main theme transitioning into Imperial March)
Festival Studio Orchestra remix of The Imperial March

No, you're not sad at all. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-21 04:30pm
by Lt. Dan
Not sad. I bump that shit rolling down town with the windows down. That and staying alive, another one bites the dust and other songs. :D

Posted: 2005-01-21 06:06pm
by Coyote
Ya don't have the Metallica version on there?

It's not sad. They're sad.

Posted: 2005-01-21 10:15pm
by Zaia
Yay, a music thread! Goes in AMP.

The Imperial March isn't sad; it's badass! Your friends are weird. :p

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:05pm
by Darth Fanboy
One of my friends claimed that my collection of SW soundtracks were sad. I then asked him to give me the beginning and ending themes to every major series of Gundam.

Knowing that I knew that he knew, he quiety cursed..."damn you"

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:17pm
by briseis
Currently in the minidisc player:

disc that includes: two version of the imperial march, several theme songs to shows that have been demoted to sci-fi, ABBA, and Cowboy Bebop goodness.

Oh yeah.

The sadness... is ABBA.

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:47am
by Medic
Bah, the original is good enough. I don't need remixes of THAT song.
But it is by no means sad.

Posted: 2005-01-24 12:26am
by Drewcifer
I watch a fair amount of college basketball (Rock Chalk!), and all the pep bands play the Imperial March, and usually several times throughout a game. Good song = not sad.

As well, in a culture with 37 shades of beige (oatmeal, flax, khaki, tan...), it's good to be quirky. If it makes you feel any better, I have five copies of Big Country's album, The Crossing. Cassette, CD, and 3 vinyl. Same songs in the same order on all -- the only difference is the color of the covers (US, blue; UK, green; Japanese, red).

Hell, I still listen to cassettes from time to time. Now that's sad!