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Monkey Is Not Trustworthy!!!

Posted: 2005-01-22 12:31am
by dr. what

In case you can't make it out, it says

last seen in diaper
carrying blue ''blankie''
looks like Olson twin (circa 1985 Full House baby)
Responds to nickname ''F123''
If found call: 866-252-5327

Posted: 2005-01-22 12:33am
by Wicked Pilot
I guess you shouldn't spank it then.

Yeah I know that's lame, forgive me for it's past my bedtime.

Posted: 2005-01-22 12:41am
by dr. what
Wicked Pilot wrote:I guess you shouldn't spank it then.

:: looks at watch::

I'm impressed--it took the guys at another forum five posts before they made that joke.... :D

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:16am
by Tasoth
hmmm... I wonder if I can teach it to hide in my trunk.....

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:23am
by darthdavid
Tasoth wrote:hmmm... I wonder if I can teach it to hide in my trunk.....
Don't do that, if you did you'd have junk in your trunk.

Posted: 2005-01-22 05:53am
I wonder if I can teach it to hide in my trunk.....
I wanna teach it to smoke.

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:35pm
by Pick
I have no idea why that cracked me up so fast and so completely. :shock:

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:44pm
by Tinkerbell
I want a Monkey!!!


Posted: 2005-01-22 09:10pm
by Montcalm
Someone found a pic of Michael Jackson at age 1 :wink:

Posted: 2005-01-22 09:14pm
by YT300000
Montcalm wrote:Someone found a pic of Michael Jackson at age 1 :wink:
Not quite. He was still normal-looking back then.

Unless all black men look like monkeys to you. *glares*

:P :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-22 09:21pm
by Montcalm
YT300000 wrote:
Montcalm wrote:Someone found a pic of Michael Jackson at age 1 :wink:
Not quite. He was still normal-looking back then.

Unless all black men look like monkeys to you. *glares*

:P :lol:
Apparently my joke about Whack Jacko's mutation bombed :oops:

Posted: 2005-01-22 10:42pm
by Tinkerbell
:glances at other posts:

Yes, MJ's a bit off, but how does any of this aid my Monkey quest??

That what I want to know 8)

Posted: 2005-01-22 11:37pm
by moku
Saved. Where did you dig that out? :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-23 02:44pm
by White Haven
For all the 40kers out there...

Mon-Keigh is not trustworthy!